
How to Survive the National Avocado Shortage

If you haven't heard, there is a national avocado shortage going on (and where have you been where you haven't noticed the severe lack of avocado?). If you're anything like me, you've been suffering a lot due to the shortage.

Not only has it been hard to find avocados in stores, restaurants have been discontinuing their avocado-based dishes, or making them even more expensive. It makes sense, but it also hurts. 

For these reasons, I put together a few tips on how to survive the shortage.

Switch to cheese

Find alternates to avocado. Ricotta cheese is one idea (as exemplified at Sqirl in LA).

There's also this recipe for strawberry honey ricotta toast. The sound of that almost makes me less sad about the lack of avocados.

If you're super lucky and have a bit of avocado, you could make ricotta avocado toast (this looks amazing).

Try nut butters

Nut butters are another good option, and they add protein to your diet. They're tasty and can also be applied to toast. Doesn't this apple peanut butter honey toast sound good?

Try mashed peas

The New York Times famously tweeted about this earlier this year. Maybe it's good, maybe it's not, but it's worth a try!

Find another food to be obsessed with

Avocado toast may have been your go-to breakfast food, so why not try out something new? I recommend making your own smoothie bowls: they're healthy and delicious, and can have even more toppings than toast can.

Appreciate avocado when you do find it

Avocado is a beautiful thing and it should be appreciated. When you get some avocado, take a minute to enjoy it before you eat it as quickly as you can. You don't know when you'll get it again.

I wish you the best of luck in these dark times, and hope that someday we will forget that there ever was a shortage of avocados.