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Here’s What to Eat If You Want to Eat Like Emily Ratajkowski

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wash U chapter.

Maybe you only know Emily Ratajkowski for her role in that Blurred Lines music video, but in the past few years, she has skyrocketed into popular culture and successfully made a name for herself in modeling and acting. You’ve probably seen her appearing in movies like Gone Girl, walking the runways at New York and Paris Fashion weeks, or on social media advocating for women’s rights and women’s health.  She’s definitely a name that any celebrity-loving millennial should be following.

One thing you should also know about Emily is that she’s a huge foodie. From gushing about her favorite restaurants in interviews, to filling her Instagram feed with her favorite eats, Emily never misses a chance to prove her food obsession. Here’s what we know about the foods she can’t get enough of, and the ones she can’t stand. 

Meat: Yes

If there’s one food Emily doesn’t stray away from, it’s meat. “I’m a carnivore,” she told Elle magazine, “I really like to eat meat.” A quick scroll through her Instagram feed will confirm this. Who knew someone could look so cute posing next to a steak?

Tacos: Yes

Emily Ratajkowski Taco
Gillian Cazzoli

Emily’s love for Mexican food is also very evident from social media. In a brief interview with Men’s Fitness, she talks about how she “grew up eating street tacos and burritos on the beach.” According to Emily, the best Mexican food in L.A. is at La Reyna, a street taco stand.

Cocktails: Yes

Emily is big on cocktails. Her fave is a gin martini, and she can make them herself. Here’s a recipe for how you can impress your friends by making some martinis of your own. 

Pastries: Yes

Pastries hold a special place in Emily’s heart. Whether it be the kouign amann she has with black coffee every morning, or the croissant that she occasionally craves, it’s safe to say that Emily is always down for a sweet treat. She admitted to Vogue that they are her Kryptonite. 

Yes: Thai Food

Emily’s 73 question interview revealed a lot about her food preferences. During one part, she stated that Thai food was one of her favorite things to eat. In the picture above, she is actually in Bangkok eating authentic Thai street food. I can definitely support a celebrity who’s down to travel in the name of good eats. 

No: Doritos

Emily Ratajkowski nachos sauce
Max Lederman

Everyone gets food cravings sometimes, and that doesn’t exclude Emily. The model made sure to clarify, however, that there’s one thing she never craves: “I wouldn’t say I am the type of girl who craves Doritos,” she told Elle. Instead, her cravings lean towards the sweeter side, with foods like cupcakes and the previously mentioned pastries. 

No: Plain Salads

difference between diet and disorder vegetable salad
Lily Allen

As we saw earlier, Emily is an avid meat eater. In an interview with Elle, she talked about how she definitely favors it over salad: “I crave iron,” she told Elle, “so I am definitely not the kind of person who you will find eating a salad.” Who can blame her? Try out this salad recipe that you’ll actually enjoy—and it will satisfy those iron cravings.

No: Home-cooked meals

Emily Ratajkowski pasta homemade
Tess Citron

Emily has proven herself to be a true food lover, but she prefers eating at restaurants instead of making her own food. “I’m not someone who cooks. I’m someone who eats—a lot,” she admitted on a Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance. Later, she revealed that she’s in a committed relationship with Postmates

If there’s one thing that Emily shows us, it’s that life is way too short to restrict your diet and not eat what you want. 

You know what they say, food in the mouth is better than no food in the mouth.