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WATCH: Gordon Ramsay and Julia Child Throw Down in Epic Rap Battles of History

Gordon Ramsay and Julia Child share a few things in common: they’re revered culinary professionals, they both revolutionized food on television, and they both can spit hot fire.

Not since Eminem vomited up his mom’s spaghetti has a rap battle been so intense, and Ramsay and Child leave it all out there. They had us all like:

epic rap battles of history

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

Ramsay claims to be “whack flows intolerant” and disrespects everything from his opponent’s cooking show (“one part Big Bird, two parts Miss Piggy”) to her lack of innovation (“regurgitating French plates like a glorified translator”).

epic rap battles of history

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

But Child’s no pushover, and her “recipe” for Ramsay’s career is one of the biggest bomb drops of the battle: “Here’s a nice amuse-bouche/Take a poor abused youth/Set a thirty year timer/Voila! Huge douche!”).

epic rap battles of history

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

Until we see Bobby Flay vs. Giada, or Paula Deen vs. Jamie Oliver, we’ll be rockin’ the heavy beats (thanks to the obscene amount of butter Child uses?) and slick flows of two of the dopest MCs (Master Chefs, duh) in the game.

If you want to watch the epic battle, check it out below:

Spencer is the Managing Editor for Spoon University who loves pizza, Bruce Springsteen, and the New York Mets.