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10 Foods That You Can’t Miss At This Year’s College Royal

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Guelph chapter.

The College Royal 2016 is finally happening again this coming weekend, and it is far more than just your average clubs day or open house.

A tradition since 1925, College Royal has become the largest university open house event in North America over its nine-decade reign! Every March, the University of Guelph hosts its annual College Royal for over 20,000 visitors, giving the public free access to explore the campus and catch a first-hand glimpse of what students and professors are doing in each program.

One of the trademarks of College Royal is its amazing selection of food, offered by student-run, on-campus clubs. As a top-dog Canadian university when it comes to food, we promise that you won’t go home hungry—there will always a tasty morsel around the corner.

College Royal

Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Here is our list of foods that you absolutely can not miss at this year’s College Royal.  Happy eating!

1. Pancakes

College Royal

Photo courtesy of www.beingsuzyhomemaker.blogspot.com

What better way to start your morning entertainment than to join in on one of the biggest College Royal events? Be amongst the hungry crowd in the University Centre from 9:30 – 11:30 AM and watch teams of students compete to become the next “Pancake Flipping Master”. Oh, and if that isn’t epic enough, you also get to witness breakfast made and served right in front of you.

2. Pizza

College Royal

Photo courtesy of Emily Waples

It’s your favourite meal … for free! Come on down to the Summerlee Science Complex Atrium at the Dairy Science Club exhibit and get your beloved carton of chocolate milk and pizza while watching how some absolute necessities of life, aka butter and ice cream, are made. Demonstrations will be throughout the day—for specific times—so make sure to check this schedule to ensure a place at the showcase.

3. Gourmet Grilled Cheese

College Royal

Photo by Laura Palladino

Feel good about yourself by purchasing a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich provided by FeelGood Guelph. All proceeds will be donated to these 4 organizations: Hunger Project, Pachamama Alliances, Water for People, and Choice Humanitarians to help end extreme poverty by 2030. These gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches are only $3 and are available on both Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM in Peter Clark Hall.

4. Poutine

College Royal

Photo courtesy of The Knockoff Economy

Show your Canadian spirit by dropping by Spoon’s poutine booth on Saturday from 11:30AM to 2:30PM in Peter Clark Hall. We’re all about making your food fantasies come true, so bring $5 and you’ll have yourself your own customized poutine and free cotton candy. Spoon also wants to help you find the power of your own kitchen with our complimentary recipe book.

5. Grilled Cheese Poutine

College Royal

Photo courtesy of bsinthekitchen.com

No, you didn’t read it wrong.

Can’t decide whether to get a grilled cheese sandwich or a poutine? No worries, we got you covered. Spoon University and FeelGood have partnered up to bring you the food child of two of our favorites: grilled cheese and poutine. We promise to send you to food paradise with our grilled cheese poutine. 

To add even more awesomeness, Spoon and FeelGood will be serving this as a combo with a $1 discount along with cotton candy and popcorn, so you can get the most bang for your buck.

6. Chilli

College Royal

Photo courtesy of karenskitchenstories.com

Show your support of local restaurants by sampling local ingredients developed by our very own Guelph food scientists for a $2 donation. Participate in the Great Town & Gown Chili Chow Down, hosted by the Guelph Food Bank, on Saturday from 12PM to 2PM, to determine who makes the best chili in Guelph.

7. Aboriginal Foods

College Royal

Photo courtesy of @zhanlim96 from Instagram

Come out to the Federal building on Saturday from 11AM to 4PM and expand your knowledge of Aboriginal cultures and communities; the event offers a chance to taste some delicious traditional aboriginal food. Traditional aboriginal crafts and music will also be provided by the Aboriginal Student Association.

8. Mystery Milkshakes

College Royal

Photo by Andrea Kang

Think all brown milkshakes are chocolate flavoured? Or that all milkshakes that are white in colour must be vanilla flavoured? Think again.

As one of the most popular events at College Royal, the clever food scientists at Guelph are at it again to challenge your taste buds and perceptions with mystery flavoured milkshake. The Food Science Club only serves up these rare delicacies once a year, so don’t miss your chance! Milkshakes are available all Saturday and Sunday in the Food Science Building.

9. Snacks

College Royal

Photo by Olivia D’Aiutolo

Get yourself to Rozanski Room 108 for some healthy brownies (that means they don’t count as dessert right?) and other nutrient-filled snacks so you are ready to hit all the stations and booths.

10. Grilled Goods

College Royal

Photo by Andrea Kang

That should be your cue to run over to the parking lot 26 by the Animal Science & Nutrition Building Lobby on Saturday and Sunday from 11AM to 4PM. You know there’s going to be some legit grilling skills showcased when it’s hosted by the Animal Science Society.

Toronto foodie majoring in Food Science. When I'm not eating, you will see me looking for my next food adventure, dreaming up the next big eat, or writing about food. #foodiseverything