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Why Jaho Coffee is the New Caffe Nero

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Emerson chapter.

Caffee Nero, or Nero as true Emersonians would call it, is the one stop shop for all things coffee. Their wide array of pastries, paninis, and coffee makes it near impossible to avoid stopping in for a quick fix. The main appeal, though, has to be Nero’s effortlessly cool aesthetic. You walk into this café with dim lighting, eclectic furniture, exposed brick, and you instantaneously think you’re in an indie film where you’re about to meet your soul mate for the first time. It’s just that cool.

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Photo by Pedro Domit

But the way Nero always fails me time, and time again, is the lack of seating it provides. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge café, but every time I try to find a spot to sit down, it’s like the Hunger Games of seating. I’m almost certain people camp outside of the café until the doors open just so they can lock down a seat that they’ll monopolize for the entirety of the day. Nero is packed 24/7. So instead of immersing yourself in this oh-so-chic-café, you have to take your panini & cappuccino and walk out with a face of defeat.

But do not fret, my fellow coffee lovers, for I have found the latest and greatest place, which goes by the name of Jaho. In September of 2015, the coffee gods came down and blessed Emerson with the beauty that is Jaho Coffee & Tea. Similar to Nero, Jaho has this aesthetic that is undeniably chic. Although I love the European vibes that radiate off of Nero, I have to say I’m a huge fan of Jaho’s sophisticated atmosphere that sort of transports you to Manhattan. It’s much less eclectic, and far more modern, but it’s extremely welcoming and warm. You might be wondering where such a magical place exists, and I’m here to inform you that it’s no longer than a three-minute walk from Little Building.

So what’s the best part about Jaho? If I can’t say their killer cappuccinos, then it’s got to be the endless amount of seating. Jaho has a spot for everybody; and maybe that’s simply because it’s lesser known, but for some reason there isn’t that feeling of crammed and crampedness.

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Photo by Pedro Domit

Another standout would have to be their slow coffee bar, which consists of several brewing techniques such as the French press, Japanese Siphon, pour-overs, nitro iced coffee, etc. It’s every coffee lover’s dream. And to top it all off, for all my “over twenty oners,” Jaho turns into a wine bar in the evenings. I know; take it all in. Heaven on earth does exist after all.

Although Nero will always hold a special place in my heart and will always be my first café-love, I have to say I’ve moved on to bigger and better things. To some it might be a betrayal, but sometimes you just gotta do you. Good luck to all my fellow coffee-lovers, the ball is now in your caffeine addicted-court.