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10 Thoughts You Have at Blue Talon Birthday Dinners

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at WM chapter.

The Blue Talon is one of the premiere restaurants in Williamsburg. Especially loved by students, the Blue Talon offers free meals to those celebrating their birthdays with the presentation of their student ID’s. Of course, no one wants to celebrate their birthday alone, so we’ve summed up the thoughts that every party attendee experiences at the Blue Talon.

1. “Do I have to dress up for this?”

blue talon

Photo by Lexa Rowland

Granted, this isn’t prom, but as you look down at your basketball shorts and t-shirt that smell oddly too much like Millington Hall, you decide to throw on at least a button-down or a casual sun dress.

2. “Oh god, I’m broke”

Suddenly, all those Thursday night Chipotle splurges and your very expensive Aroma’s Coffee habit add up, and you find yourself with approximately twenty dollars to your name. Admit it, we’ve all been there.

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Gif courtesy of giphy.com

3. “I’ll just sit for the dinner and grab something at Commons later”

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*you walk in*

4. “Just kidding”

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Photo by Lexa Rowland

As soon as you get a whiff of truffle fries and butter, your stomach grumbles. The salivation begins. You have reached the point of no return. They should really post a warning sign on the door.

5. “Why is this called ‘historic tap water?’ “

blue talon

Photo by Lexa Rowland

You sip your water out of the shallow glass. It tastes like water. There is nothing ‘historic’ tasting about it. You can only imagine that Thomas Jefferson probably showered with these exact water molecules.

6. “What can I order here for under twenty bucks?”

blue talon

Photo by Lexa Rowland

You glance over the menu. Most things under the ‘entree’ section are out of the question, but paying student customers have devised several crafty menu concoctions.

You can order an appetizer, a salad, or even the burger (an inexpensive favorite) to satiate your hunger. Many students also get creative by ordering two sides, such as the macaroni and cheese with the buttery, French green beans.

7. “BREAD”

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Gif courtesy of giphy.com

The server brings you a basket of bread with whipped butter. You dive in, unashamed of taking fives pieces. Hey, its free.

8. “I have an intense case of food jealousy right now”

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Photo by Lexa Rowland


You look over at the birthday platter, and it’s definitely a full sized entree that they won’t have to pay for. Your jealously is short lived however, as they offer you a bite. Glorious.

9. “Did you say the chocolate mousse is bottomless?”

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Photo by Lexa Rowland

Thats right, bottomless chocolate mousse. The rest of your cash is swept away into the clever clutches of the restaurant. What they don’t see coming, however, is how seriously you take the word “bottomless.”

10. “How many months until my birthday?”

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Gif courtesy of giphy.com

The ritual of spending money at your friend’s expense is absolutely worth it, especially when Blue Talon is involved. Consider your presence at dinner the greatest birthday present they could ever receive, since it’s about all you can afford. But at the end of the day, there is truly no better way to celebrate a birthday than over a good meal with good company.

Keep the party going all year long and check out these articles