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How to Spice Up Backpacking Meals

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at WLU chapter.

We love backpacking and we love food, but combining and enjoying the two can be challenging.

Rachel Hicks

The lighter your pack the better, so the more ingredients you stuff in your sack, the harder your hike will be. That’s why we repackage a lot of our food into plastic baggies. And that way, we have a bit more space for spices and sweets. 

Pro Tip #1: Spice is Flavor

Ben Peeples

One key extra: hot sauce. Find a flavor that you enjoy, whether it’s Chipotle Tabasco (our personal favorite) or regular Louisiana. Buy small, screw-top plastic containers from Walmart or REI, and transfer your hot sauce into them. That way you don’t have to lug around heavy, glass bottles, but you’ll be able to spice up any meal. 

Side note: hiking boots make great cup holders. If they’re too smelly, leave them outside your tent, but if you need somewhere to rest your glass, grab a boot. 

Pro Tip #2: Summer Sausage and Chipotle Tabasco

Ben Peeples

Eat this for breakfast with a croissant, or as a mid-day snack. You’ll get the protein you need from the meat, and the extra heat will get you up and on your feet.

Pro Tip #3: Customize Your Trail-mix 

cookies nut almond
Tiare Brown

There’s nothing that’ll get you through a long day like some trail-mix with expresso beans in it. What’s your favorite nut? Favorite snack? Favorite texture? As long as it won’t get crushed in your pack (e.g. goldfish aren’t a good idea), go for it! M&Ms are a good option because their coating keeps the chocolate from melting all over everything else. Our personal favorite are cinnamon encrusted almonds. Mmmmm…

Pro Tip #4: Never Skip Out on Marshmallows

Backpacking candy marshmallow
Kelley Buck

Marshmallows are the perfect backpacking desert because they’re ultra-light. So why not add them in?Roast them over a camp stove, add several bars of Hershey’s chocolate, and you’ll be thanking us for this soul warming snack when you’re sitting in your tent on a crisp, fall night. 

Pro Tip #5: Propel Mix and Crystal Light

Rachel Hicks

You’ll be drinking a lot of water on your trip. We usually drink about a liter every two hours of hiking, and even more if the going is strenuous. But filtered stream water doesn’t always taste great. And you’ll have to purify a lot of water especially if you’re on a multi-day trip. Our solution? Propel and Crystal Light packets. Add both to your water bottle and mask the taste. Plus, Propel will help replenish your electrolytes and add some pep to your step. 

Sure, sauces and snacks add extra weight to your pack, but if you’re smart about packaging, hot sauce and sugar may be just what you need to get you up and over that last mountaintop. Happy meal prepping

I love the outdoors, and figuring out how to take food outside, literally and creatively.