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Hack the Kiosk with This Boozy Late Night Trick

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Vassar chapter.

You know the scene. It’s 1:00am. You’re starving. Bacio’s is too crowded, Acrop is too far. And besides, all you really want is a milkshake. For a hungry college student, the Kiosk is a magical place. The line is long, but your patience is rewarded with a sugary beverage and a snack that are just a meal swipe away. Though numerous Kiosk hacks circulate campus (did you know you could order a chocolate and vanilla milkshake, together?) I’m here to take it up another notch.

But how could the Kiosk get better, you ask? Alcohol. Late night eating and (responsible) drinking are two of my favorite parts of college weekend nights, so combining them was inevitable.

Craving a strawberry milkshake? Haven’t quite finished that handle of vodka? Combine and enjoy. Let your creative mind (and current alcohol supply) lead you to one of the many cheap boozy opportunities this Kiosk hack provides. In theory, any Kiosk drink could be combined with any alcohol beverage, but here I’ll give you two of my own tried and true “recipes.” 

In the mood for a milkshake?

Add some caffeine for a twist on a Frappuccino that will keep you running all night long.

Order this: A chocolate milkshake with caramel syrup.

Add this: Coffee liqueur (I like Kahlua). 

What you get: A mocha caramel dream that will leave you smiling for more than one reason. 

Or is it more of a smoothie night?

Drink something tropical-inspired so you can pretend you are vacationing on an island somewhere instead of getting ready for finals week.

Order this: A yogurt or orange juice base with pineapple, strawberry, and banana.

Add this: Coconut rum (Malibu is a great option). 

What you get: Something only a college student would call a piña colada, but tasty all the same. 

Enjoy these mixes, but don’t let me hold you back. Go out there, use your college brains, and get mixing.