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Everything You Need To Know About Ordering In

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Vandy chapter.

With the recent demise of Favor in Nashville, it has come to my attention that there is a lack of education regarding how to use food delivery services to their full potential. Allow me to break down my findings about delivery services in all their glory. 


Postmates boasts anything delivered. Staples? Office Max? Urban Outfitters? Any emergency of any magnitude, Postmates has you covered. Whether it’s ibuprofen delivered to your death bed or pencils right before a test (idk), Postmates can deliver it. Can’t get out of bed after a long night out? Postmates your Starbucks order before class, no matter how annoyingly specific it is. 

Once you place your order, the nearest Postmate will call in the order, pick it up, and deliver it to you. 

Postmates factors the distance from your location to the vendor in calculating the delivery price. So, delivery prices can get high if the vendor is not close to campus. That being said, Postmates is always offering discount codes for delivery, which makes for the perfect excuse to ditch the dining hall and order in.

#SpoonTip: try Postmates today with code SPOONVU for $50 off! 


food delivery sashimi wasabi
Alexa Levitt

Many people are hesitant to try Nashville’s newest delivery service. Connected directly to your Uber account, UberEATS guarantees fast and efficient delivery. Unlike Postmates, orders are placed directly from the UberEATS app to the restaurant and then a nearby Uber driver picks up your food, usually resulting in less room for error.

Also, regardless of the distance from your dorm to the restaurant, there is a $4.99 flat booking fee. So whether you are too lazy to walk to the new Juice Bar in Hillsboro or you want to order dinner from East Nashville, the rate remains the same. Like Uber, UberEATS does not expect or require gratuity. 

food delivery
Alexa Levitt

Given that it is so new, UberEATS has fewer options than Postmates, all of which are strictly food, but they are working to expand to more of your Nashville favorites. They already offer delivery from all of the MStreet restaurants including Virago, Moto, Saint Añejo and Whiskey Kitchen.

#SpoonTip: Use UberEATS to get your Tuscan kale parmesan salad from Tavern delivered to campus in under 30 minutes.  


OrderUp is advertised all around campus and they are constantly offering special promos. It is an easy and affordable option for college students. OrderUp includes their own delivery services as well as restaurants’ individual services. Restaurant orders that are delivered directly through OrderUp can be tracked. They offer affordable delivery from Vandy favorites like Bella Napoli, Avo, and ChopShop. 

In conclusion,

food delivery goody ice
Alexa Levitt

You really can’t go wrong with any form of delivery. Will UberEATS deliver Sprinkles Ice Cream to your library cubicle at 10 pm? No, but Postmates will. It takes a bit of practice, hard work, and dedication to know which app to use when. See mom and dad, college really is all about learning new things! 

Alexa is a freshman at Vanderbilt and an avid food photographer who can often be found photographing pints of Ben and Jerry's. #fatpplproblems She is also part of the remote photo program for Spoon HQ this summer.