Interested in learning how to make authentic Italian Braciole? Watch the cooking video below, or scroll down for the written recipe.

Combine the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, dry parsley, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and stir well. (tip: if using fresh parsley, use about 1/4 a cup)
Spread mixture onto each slice of beef. (tip: if Milanesa cut is unavailable, pound slices to 1/8 inch thick)
After spreading the mixture, roll up the meat and secure with two pieces of butcher twine on each end. (tip: toothpicks will work in a pinch, but may break during cooking and end up lost in the sauce)
Pan fry braciole in 1/4 cup oil for 4-5 minutes on each side.
Add to a sauce to finish cooking for at least 1 hour.
Remove the strings before eating and enjoy!
Check out this article for the perfect sauce to go with your homemade braciole.