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Inside Scoop – Neighbors Café – Wonder what it’s like to start your own restaurant?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNLV chapter.

First up, we feature Neighbors Café, a new Las Vegas local modern casual café serving amazing coffee, breakfast, brunch, and lunch at 5910 S. Fort Apache Rd.

Check them out! They have their Grand Opening starting February 12, 2018, open every day from 6AM to 3PM. 

We sat down for a nice brunch and spoke to Theo, the manager and creator of this amazing new local eatery about his vision and concept idea for his restaurant.

What is Neighbors about?

Welcome! Neighbors is a new local café and restaurant and caters exactly to who our name is about, our neighbors, not only from Las Vegas, but from everywhere! Whether you are a local like me, or a friend or family member visiting from out of town, you are welcome here to enjoy a nice casual and comfortable meal and experience with your friends and family. 

What kind of food can we expect?

Our food is about serving all the classics with a slight modern twist as a Las Vegas local modern cafe. We want to serve delicious and comforting food, but also consider people’s health and our impact on the local community and environment.

You can enjoy a nice coffee or tea on a hot Vegas day or on a chilly afternoon. We serve breakfast, brunch, and lunch all day. There’s something for everyone!

Neighbors Cafe
Vincent Kwan

What inspired you to create Neighbors?

Growing up in Las Vegas, I have eaten at a lot of places with my family and friends and have met the amazing people who have started their own restaurants and ventures in the city. I wanted to contribute to the growing restaurant scene in Vegas and build up the amazing culture we have here. Vegas is oftentimes seen as a very transient city, with people coming and going, and constantly changing their lives.

I wanted to provide a comfortable place that allows people to slow down a little, take a deep breath, and get to enjoy the moment with family and friends. Also, to give people a chance to meet their neighbors! See some familiar faces and feel that the Las Vegas community is much smaller and closer than everyone thinks.

How is it starting a new restaurant?

It is honestly a lot of fun! Especially when you are passionate about the food, the people, and the community. In the beginning when you first start, it is a lot of work. A lot. There are long hours of planning, designing, working out the concepts, menu testing, hiring, building, and a whole lot more. But, if you have the drive and the desire to create something amazing and you want to share that with your friends, family, and the community, there is no doubt those things will drive you to succeed.

Also, I would have to say to say that meeting the locals around the area and getting their feedback and support has been amazing. It is very cool to see how close the Vegas community is and the amazing people that you get to meet. Every day we see some new faces and get to know our neighbors a little more, listen to their stories, and serve them some great food.

Any tips for aspiring restaurateurs?

Definitely! I would say that the number one tip would be to get as much support and help from your family and friends as possible. Opening a restaurant is not possible to do by yourself, (or at least super hard to) you should definitely rely on others emotionally and also mentally to help create your vision. You would also be surprised how friendly and supportive the general community is. Just reach out and meet your neighbors! You’ll never know who may surprise you.

Also, have confidence and strength. Opening a restaurant can at times be very mentally and emotionally draining and challenging, especially in the beginning. This is where it is good to have some down time and to take a step back and breath, having support from family and friends is great. Then, be proud and confident in your vision and your goals. Don’t let people get you down and keep fighting to achieve your goals.

Of course if you ever need anything, please reach out! I know how hard it can be and am always willing to help out a fellow neighbor in starting their own place.

Exciting plans for Neighbors?

Yes! We are having our Grand Opening this upcoming week starting February 12th from 6AM – 3PM. Please feel free to stop by and check us out! We have some amazing opening week offers and events for our new neighbors!

Lots of exciting new plans since we just opened but we are looking to have exciting new menu items and seasonal specials for the spring and summer. Stop by soon and we will keep you posted!

Check out our website neighborscafelv.com. Follow us on Facebook and our Instagram @neighborscafelv ! See you soon!

Interested in being featured for our Inside Scoop? Email or reach out to us!

Born and raised in Las Vegas. Went to the faraway land of NYC, where I received my undergraduate degree in Business and Political Economy from NYU Stern. I worked as a business consultant, in a food startup, and on the New Business Strategy Team at the Food Network. Lots of experience in the food industry and eating things. Now pursuing my JD. I love writing, taking pictures, and eating everything.Feel free to connect with me at kwanv1@unlv.nevada.edu