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6 Easy Ways to Transform Your Dining Hall Quinoa Bowl

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNH chapter.

Quinoa is a superfood known for being packed with protein and all nine essential amino acids. It’s highly nutritious and gluten-free, making it a good go-to food for everyone and anyone. The problem is, quinoa can be boring and bland when it’s not combined with some interesting mix in’s and seasonings.

I’ve assembled six perfect quinoa bowls that will keep you full and healthy without boring your taste buds. Feel free to substitute or add any ingredients to these bowls to make them more personalized. Give ’em a try!

1. Apple Craisin Quinoa Bowl 

Quinoa Bowl salad cheese
Kyndra McKenzie

The apple craisin quinoa bowl is the perfect pick if you want something sweet and fruity. Start out by adding a layer of greens, such as spinach, kale or any type of lettuce to your bowl. Next, add as much quinoa as desired (any kind will do).

I topped my quinoa with sunflower seeds, feta cheese, craisins and apples slices, (of course!) finishing it off with a drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette.  

2. Pizza Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa Bowl chicken bacon
Kyndra McKenzie

This one is my personal favorite. It tastes just like pizza, but it’s way healthier and will keep you full longer. Fill the bowl up with quinoa and mix in marinara sauce. Add a slice of your favorite cheese then add toppings.

Onions, green peppers, mushrooms, pepperoni, pineapple, anything you eat on pizza, you can eat on this! Once you’ve added all your toppings throw your bowl in the microwave for 1 minute. Voila, a quinoa pizza bowl.

3. Taco Salad Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa Bowl chicken salad
Kyndra McKenzie

This recipe is a spin off of the classic taco bowl. Pile up the quinoa, then simply add shredded lettuce, shredded cheese, black olives, onions, tomatoes, beans, and anything else you’d like to munch on in a taco bowl.

Next, find some spices, herbs, or seasonings in your dining hall. I topped my bowl with a little paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, salt, chili powder, and of course, salsa.

4. Breakfast Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa Bowl mango couscous
Kyndra McKenzie

Add some protein to your breakfast by adding quinoa to Greek yogurt—it sounds weird, but I swear by it. Add your favorite yogurt, fruit, granola, and you’ve got a perfect breakfast that will keep you full and focused for hours.

5. Veggie Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa Bowl broccoli shrimp
Kyndra McKenzie

Veggies and quinoa are what typically comprise together a basic quinoa bowl, so I couldn’t rule out a classic. Start out with a bed of greens (I used spinach) and quinoa, then go crazy on the veggies. I add radishes, broccoli, tomatoes, chickpeas, edamame, onions, and carrots. Finish it off with a drizzle of ranch dressing.

And since you’re eating your veggies, you can even go back for some dessert. #makeurmamaproud

6. Spinach Dip Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa Bowl potato sweet potato
Kyndra McKenzie

Truth be told, this one amazed me. I was a little iffy about it at first but after trying it, it might be one of my new favorite snacks. Put a little bit of quinoa in a bowl, along with some low-fat cream cheese, parmesan cheese and garlic.

Now throw it in the microwave for 1 minute. While that’s in the microwave throw half of a whole wheat pita in a panini press until it browns slightly. Once it comes out, cut it into slices. Now scoop some of the spinach quinoa dip onto a pita slice and see what you think!

Who said eating healthy had to be boring? Now that you know you can eat quinoa that tastes like pizza, I think we can all agree that quinoa really is a superfood.