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The Real Reason Pepsi and Coke Taste so Different

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UK chapter.

I first realized how important the question of “Pepsi vs Coke” was when I began my college tours. I noticed that whether or not the college was a Coke campus really made a difference to me. I mean, let’s face it, if I had a true dream school and they happened to be a Pepsi product campus, I would have still went. However, I am very thankful that UK is a Coke product campus. 

Have you ever wondered why Pepsi vs Coke is such a big deal? Have you ever been disappointed when you ask for your preference at a restaurant, but they only have the other option? Why are Coke and Pepsi so different even though they’re so similar? 


pepsi vs coke juice milk
Angelo Yeh

The biggest difference between Pepsi and Coke are their flavors. Pepsi has more of a citrus taste, while Coke products have more of a vanilla-raisin taste. I personally never though of it this way, but I can see it now. If you check out Pepsi’s nutrition facts, you can see that there’s actually citric acid in the ingredients, whereas Coke is lacking in that category.

When it comes down to it, Pepsi has a stronger first sip taste, but Coke goes down smoother. It’s facts guys, Coke is the best, but more power to you if you prefer Pepsi, I guess. 


pepsi vs coke chocolate beer
Angelo Yeh

From what I hear, most people prefer Coke over Pepsi, but the numbers get confusing. If you look at sales, Pepsi is almost always ahead. But that’s Pepsi as a company, so I guess you have to keep in mind that Pepsi and Coke both sell other products. However, if you check out their annual net income, Coke has beat out Pepsi every year since 2004 except in 2006. Coke also exceeds Pepsi on the social media front. In the end, I think it’s clear that Coke still wins. 

Final Verdict

pepsi vs coke ice liquor
Angelo Yeh

I know all you Pepsi lovers reading this article probably think I’m biased because I like Coke more, but the numbers back me up. I checked out several opinions and it just seems that most people prefer Coke. In the debate of Pepsi vs Coke, Coke seems to win at least 64% of the time.  

I'm a journalism student at the University of Kentucky with a huge passion for food and travel. I hope to one day turn my passions into a full time job as either a food or travel writer. In my free time you can find me binge-watching shows on Netflix, trying out the newest restaurant in town, or in a yoga class.