Spoon University is the everyday food resource for our generation, run completely by college students. We write about dining hall hacks, best study spots on campus, new restaurants around the area, and much more.
As the new semester begins, it’s my job to find awesome recruits, and write yet another article about reasons to join. However, I wanted something different for Spring 2017, and would like to share with everyone my favorite moments since the day I joined Spoon at UC Berkeley. If you’re interested in joining us, stay until the end!
5. Meeting and networking with passionate people who care.

Since joining Spoon, I have met people who not only care about nutrition, eating disorders, and mental health issues, but also sustainability, cultural (un)appropriation of food, and alleviation of food injustices.
I even got to meet our very own co-founders Sarah Adler and Mackenzie Barth (CEO) at General Assembly’s panel on “The Future of Food.” How cool is that?
4. Having VIP access at the 20th Annual Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival.
You read that correctly! My photographer and I represented Spoon University and sat through press-exclusive Chocolate School and chef demonstrations, in which we learned about the chocolate making process at Ghirardelli, from the bean to mouthwatering chocolate bars.
I even wrote a dope article about the top four chocolate concoctions we got to try there. It was a pretty sweet gig, if you ask me!
3. Standing up on the chair to take photos of my food in front of everyone.
Yes, I stood on the bench at our end-of-the-semester banquet at Berkeley Social Club, and I am not even ashamed of it. Why? Because every member I’ve worked with in Spoon has helped me become comfortable in my own skin.
The unspoken rule? We won’t ever judge what you do for the killer shot, because we’ve probably been there, done that already.
2. Successfully baking things I never thought I could bake.
Before having been assigned to write an article on how to make pumpkin roll cake, I’d never thought about making a roll cake. Roll cakes – amateur and professional alike – are notorious for cracks, mushy fillings, and all sorts of mishaps!
Though I was nervous every time, baking things for the first time helped unleash more creativity, improve my reflexes, and boost my confidence. Plus, I got to share my creations with my fellow Spoon members!
1. Making solid friendships.
Need I say more? Numerous food crawls and deep conversations about the art of making bread have brought some of the most inspiring and meaningful people into my life. I can assure that when you join Spoon, you end up with more than awesome work experience and friend group – you are surrounded by family and probably lots of food.
What are you waiting for? We surely can’t wait to welcome you with hugs and plenty of laughter. Join our family today and check out our Spring 2017 applications here (all teams are hiring).
Applications are due Friday, January 27st at 5:00PM. Please submit all applications and any questions to us at calspoonuniversity@gmail.com. We hope to meet you soon!