If you haven’t heard of Bulletproof Coffee, it’s the latest coffee trend that combines grass-fed butter and Brain Octane-Oil with coffee in a blender. This combination sounds unusual, but it’s supposed to be good for you and provide sustained energy throughout the day because of the healthy fats that it contains. Regardless of whether it provides the health benefits that it claims to, Bulletproof Coffee undeniably tastes amazing. But how about butter hot chocolate?
After trying Bulletproof Coffee for the first time and loving the rich and aromatic flavor from the grass-fed butter, I decided to add grass-fed butter to my own instant hot chocolate in light of the holidays. This “Bulletproof hot chocolate” turned out to taste amazing.
I’m not claiming that it has any of the health benefits of Bulletproof Coffee, but this stuff is gold. Grass-fed butter (I used Kerrygold, which you can find at many grocery stores) tastes richer than regular butter, and it adds a distinctly smooth and creamy texture to your hot chocolate. To balance out the sweetness of the hot chocolate, I used salted grass-fed butter, and the result was a deliciously thick, buttery twist on the classic winter drink.
Ditch your whipped cream, milk, or whatever else you use to thicken your hot chocolate, and whip out a few slices of grass-fed butter instead. You may never go back to regular, boring hot chocolate. There’s also a slight chance that it may be good (or at least better) for you.

Butter Hot Chocolate
Combine the hot chocolate mix, butter, and desired amount of boiled water in a mug.
Use a milk frother to froth until foamy for about 30 seconds.
If you donât have a milk frother, combine the ingredients in a blender and blend for about 20 seconds on high.
Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!
That’s all there is to the recipe! I like to drink it plain so that other flavors don’t overpower the taste of the grass-fed butter. However, feel free to spice up your drink and add a few marshmallows, a dash of cinnamon, or any other fancy upgrades that you like to put in your hot chocolate.
Bulletproof coffee has given rise to yet another delicious, unconventional way to enjoy grass-fed butter. This “Bulletproof hot chocolate” might not necessarily contain the brain-octane oil, same health benefits, or morning energy boost that traditional Bulletproof coffee claims to offer. However, it’s inspired by the distinctly thick, buttery, and creamy taste that Bulletproof coffee is known to have. Blending butter into your hot chocolate thickens the drink and adds a deliciously smooth layer of creamy foam on top, much like a latte. Who knew that butter could make such a great alternative to whipped cream and milk?
If you’re feeling adventurous this holiday season, buy some grass-fed butter and instant hot chocolate, make this recipe, and curl up with a good book. Instant hot chocolate and the holidays will never be the same.