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Tips on Eating Healthy if You Constantly Travel for Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Stanford chapter.

If you grew up in my family, going out to eat was always a treat. We didn’t go to Bonefish Grill for salads, or to Five Guys for lettuce wraps — we went for three orders of Bang Bang Shrimp and loaded bacon-cheeseburgers. But this occurred only on occasion, with the rest of our dinners being covered by my mom and dad, who are both incredibly talented in the kitchen. We ate healthfully in our home more than ninety percent of the time, which is why we splurged when dining out.

tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work shrimp chicken
Betsy Kaplan

But as I work my way through my pre-senior year internship, on the brink of adulthood, I realize I must abandon this habit and alter my eating-out approach in order to maintain my overall health and fitness for my sport. So, here’s my subjective advice — my tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work.

first date bacon cheese
Aurora Calderone

1. EAT!

Though I typically scoff in skepticism at the common excuse that “I forgot to eat,” I now understand that this is very much a possibility given long travel days marked by delayed flights, important meetings, commuter traffic, and everything else in between that often takes priority over eating. But this increases the likelihood of opting for the most accessible (and likely most unhealthy and non-satiating) choice and subsequently overeating. So do yourself a favor and make time in your schedule to chow down. Also, personal #protip from Jackie McSnacky: carry snacks to minimize hanger.

tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work beer chips
Liza Wolf

2. Bring healthy food from home.

Bridging off the BYOS (Bring Your Own Snack) point, I try to pack my meals whenever possible. Whether it be leftover chicken and vegetables housed in Tupperware or simply a healthy protein bar and a banana, I nearly always travel to the airport with food in some shape or form. Just make sure it’ll pass TSA — avoid the pain of watching security throw away your beloved tub of hummus (or in my case, a night’s worth of hard work in overnight oat form). Instead, bring dry oats and ask Starbucks for hot water along with your coffee so that your wallet (and your heart) will thank you even before getting to the gate.

tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work banana
Ashleigh Monaco

3. Get your greens.

If you’re on a trek to eat healthy while traveling, search for the pot o’ greens at the end of the terminal. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need an unsatisfying, bland salad to eat healthy. Sure, a salad is a quick fix — a shortcut per say — to eating well, but not all salads are created equally healthy. Red flag raised if I feel compelled to ask “would you like a side of lettuce with that bacon and ranch?” Instead, look for meals heavy on stir-fried vegetables, light on the sauces, or swap steamed veggies for fries as a side.

tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work vegetable
Torey Walsh

4. Share large portions.

My coworkers like to order shareable appetizers prior to the main course because we’re always starving at the end of long work and travel days. Therefore, I often order a salad or split an entree with someone because I’m already halfway full by the time appetizers wrap up. Also, never feel obligated to finish a meal if you are already full. Offer it up to colleagues, wrap it up, cut down on food waste, and/or eat it on the plane ride home!

Thanksgiving canape cheese
Amelia Hitchens

5. Keep dessert to a taste.

No need to make an early exit in the event that dessert enters the conversation. Dessert can be part of a healthy lifestyle, as can any food in moderation. The more you restrict yourself, the more likely you’ll be to order that sinfully large piece of chocolate cake via room service later that night. Try restaurants’ new portion control approach to dessert with the shot glass sweet. Or split a delectable delight with the group.

6. Know your order at universal chains and stick to it.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Spinach and feta egg-white wrap, banana, Justin’s peanut butter, and venti coffee at Starbucks. Thai chicken salad at Panera. Lettuce, brown rice, chicken, pinto beans, peppers, salsa, and hot sauce at Chipotle. Keeping track of your order at multiple, widespread chain restaurants helps you efficiently and healthily navigate the overwhelming number of options often available in travel settings, with minimal temptation to deviate. That being said, don’t be afraid to switch it up once and awhile — the extra guac is worth the investment.

chipotle secret menu Chipotle Burrito Bowl burrito bowl
Jocelyn Hsu

7. Carry a reusable water bottle.

Drinking water goes along with eating in that many people “forget” to drink water, especially after having to ditch it before security in the airport. Utilizing a reusable (and sticker-applicable) bottle not only cuts down on plastic consumption, but also saves you a buck or four and serves. Additionally, that snazzy bottle serves as a constant reminder to avoid the soda and to stay hydrated. So slap on your favorite stickers and drink up.

8. Choose sit-down restaurants whenever possible.

Though exceptions exist (I’m looking at you, Panera), the menus of many fast(er)-food places lack one or more of the following characteristics: satiating, palatable, affordable, and healthy. My experience thus far has proven that I am able to find a wider variety of healthy options at sit-down restaurants. Additionally, it’s better for digestion and satiation if you eat slow, not on-the-go. So, if your flight is delayed, maybe forego the Auntie Anne’s in favor of a locally-sourced, sit-down bistro. (Disclaimer: this is not always the case — I’d take Starbucks over a bum of a buffet any day).

family style meal
Keris Heading

9. Indulge a little.

Although I often abide by my self-proclaimed guide to eating healthy while traveling, I definitely do not restrict myself to it. If we go out to happy hour, I get drinks. If we go out for hand-churned ice cream, I get a milkshake. If we are in the birthplace city of the cheese steak, I get a foot-long cheese steak with American cheese, grilled onions, and ketchup. Much like life, traveling for work is about balance. When on the road, eat well a lot and indulge a little.

New York City Food rooftop picnic
Isabel Leeds

Contrary to my naïve, childhood belief, eating out and eating healthy are not mutually exclusive. Though I relish in a good home-cooked meal (and a good burger, for that matter), my current lifestyle warrants a shift in my eating pattern — from ninety percent home-cooked and ten percent eat-out, to a fifty-fifty split. Yet, thanks to my tips on eating healthy if you constantly travel for work, it has proven to be much easier than I previously thought it would be. So you can get those miles, those hotel points, and those healthy eats (and thus, those work #gains), all the same. Work hard, eat harder.

Jacklyn McNulty

Stanford '19

I'm Jackie, but I'll answer to my well-deserved nickname of McSnacky. I love food, I love to write, and I love writing about food. As a recent Stanford University Human Biology graduate (and as an ex-pole vaulter on the Track & Field team), I studied the human health-food interaction through a variety of different lenses – from my own performance-based nutrition plan to coursework spanning across: Human Biology; Earth Systems; Psychology; Economics; and Health Policy, to name a few. And though my everyday university life has ended for the time being, my interest in the intersection of the food and healthcare systems remains. Healthcare consulting serves as my first professional step in the ladder leading towards a career in this intersection.