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Ananas Pie – It’s the best treat that the cafeterias simply do not want to tell you about

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Queen's U chapter.

My, my, Ms. Ananas Pie. What is an ananas pie? It’s the food that Lenny and Ban Righ don’t want you to know you can make at home. An exquisite combination of a rustic whole grain bread and banana, when cooked properly, can serve as not only a power-snack for studying but also a sweet treat.

The rustic flavour profile of soft whole wheat bread complemented by banana (ananas) sweet but forgiving fruitfulness leaves a creation that your tastebuds will not soon forget.

The Important Question:

How do we make the ananas pie? It won’t be easy, but maybe that’s why they call it ananas.

These are the following steps to craft your own barbeco grilled pie:

1: Prepare the bread. 2 slices of mildly aged bread will suffice, and whole wheat is preferred due to the unique flavour profile

2: Prepare the ananas. Peel the ananas, and season to taste (cocoa or vanilla powder provide a fun but controllable kick)

3: Walk the pie over to the barbeco

4: Place the pie on the barbeco. The grill, while unconventional, emphasizes the rustic undertones of the pie and allows for a soft charring unattainable via oven. North of 250 °C is ideal. Leave the grill open for 1 minute, and then SLAM it shut on the ananas pie, cooking for another 6 minutes.

5: Spend time with friends while the pie cooks! A treat as sweet as this deserves company- not to say you’ll want to share though 😉

6: Enjoy the ananas pie- you’ve earned it. It is an unconventional and challenging creation, but it is guaranteed to leave your body in euphoria 

For more pie stories: https://spoonuniversity.com/place/no-fail-guide-to-eating-pie-in-austin

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Alastair Murray

Queen's U '21

I am Alastair