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My Top 8 “Healthier” Desserts That Taste Like the Real Thing

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.

“New year, new me!”— A phrase most find themselves living by as the new year begins. Making New Year’s resolutions for years, I don’t always live by my word. Every year, I tell myself to eat better and get in shape. A common goal that millions aim for. 

In making lifestyle diet changes, my one caveat is sweets. With the endless possibilities and combinations of desserts, how could you resist? 

I was frustrated with falling off of the wagon, so I found some awesome and healthy dessert options that allowed me to eat “clean,” with the same satisfaction of having an awesome dessert. 

Here’s a list of healthy desserts:

1. Banana Nice-Cream

Ice-Cream has always been my all-time favorite dessert, so why not eat something healthy, tasty, easy to make, and cheap?

Blend frozen bananas to create a frozen, creamy texture that imitates ice-cream. Try adding other fruits or toppings to create different flavors! This Blueberry-Banana recipe is one of my favorites!

2. Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars

Who doesn’t love peanut butter and chocolate? When I found this recipe for a healthy version of my favorite combo, I couldn’t wait to try ’em out.

Using all natural peanut butter as one of the main ingredients lowers the amount of sugar and ups the protein in these creamy bars. You can check out the recipe here. 

3. Mini Ice-Cream Sandwiches

When I was little, I loved the chocolate chip ice-cream sandwiches that I’d get from the summer ice-cream truck. Assembling these little sandwiches are super easy with endless possibilities.

Opt for using low fat cookies like Nilla Wafers or Cookie Thins. For the ice-cream, use fro-yo or the Banana Ice-cream mentioned above.

4. Paleo Brownies

Why am I always craving brownies? Chocolaty, gooey, fudgy brownies. How could they possibly ever be considered healthier than the real thing? And if they were considered healthier, are they good? The answer is yes.

By swapping in almond flour, coconut sugar and honey, you can enjoy these bars without any guilt. Here’s the recipe.

5. Vegan Snickers Cheesecake Bars

Tasting like Snickers, but anything but the real thing, these bad boys are comprised of cashews, maple syrup, dates, and much more. Check it out here. 

6. Churro Almonds

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, “almonds?” Since when are almonds a dessert? That’s what i thought too.

After cooking in brown sugar, tossing in cinnamon and drizzling with white chocolate, the almonds supply an easy sweet fix.

Check the recipe out here!

7. Baked Apples

Ah yes… grilled apples, an ode to an apple crumble. For as long as I can remember, apple crumble has been a go-to dessert. I never thought how I could make this dessert into something “healthy” until I stumbled upon this recipe

8. Chocolate Brownie Batter Blizzard

Okay, can we please appreciate that this is not only healthy, but it’s a chocolate smoothie with brownies in it? Full of good fats from almond butter and natural sugars from fruits, this shake is perfect for any minute of any day of the week.

Check it out here.

These recipes have truly changed the way I look at eating desserts, all while helping me stay on track with eating right. I never thought healthy desserts would taste this good. I hope if you’re on the same journey as me, you’ll look back to this list for some inspiration when that sweet craving kicks in.