That work-intensive, stress-inducing, soul-crushing time of the school year known as mid-term season has officially arrived, so, naturally, only one thing is on everyone’s mind: Spring break. And Spring break right around the corner means it’s time to get ready for your big beach plans.
… Wait, did you think I meant going to the gym? I meant brushing up on your tequila shot skills. Priorities.
Tequila can be a classy, delicious addition to a wide range of cocktails. That being said, whatever your college budget can afford probably tastes like nail polish remover blended with Aloe Vera juice. Hard pass. I’ve decided to sacrifice my sobriety and my friend’s kitchen in an attempt to make bottom shelf tequila palatable—specifically, I set out to create the cinnamon-sugary, deep-fried goodness that is deep fried tequila shots, just like you saw on Pinterest. You’re welcome.

Deep-Fried Tequila Shots
Take shots of tequila. Let’s just go ahead and get this one out of the way, because it was already going to happen, so there might as well be an official step for it.
Cut the Angel Food cake into bite sized cubes. Depending on how many times you repeated Step 1, you may consider enlisting your sober friend to help with this. Set the cubed cake bites to the side in a clean bowl while your oil heats up.
Pour the oil into a pot. There should be enough to completely immerse the bites. Use a fairly wide pot to minimize any oil burns from drunkenly scooping out the finished bites.
Now it’s time to get boozy with it. Pour some tequila in a bowl and dunk the cubes until they’re more tequila filled than your Spring Break plans.
Check your oil to make sure it’s hot enough. A neat way to do this is to dip a chopstick or a wooden spoon handle into the oil. If the oil bubbles around it, it’s hot enough. Carefully (!) drop the bites into the oil and fry until golden brown.
Scoop the bites out with tongs or a slotted spoon, and place them onto paper towels to dry off. Again, depending on how much tequila you consumed prior to this step, sober assistance may be helpful. Squeeze a little lime juice on top, dust with cinnamon and sugar, congratulate yourself on drunk cooking without severe injury, and reward yourself with a drink, or, rather, a bite.
Sometimes in life you set out to accomplish something and it turns out just the way you always pictured it, and other times you drink a little too much tequila, end up wrecking your friends kitchen, accidentally over-frying a bunch of angel food cake, and burning yourself. Who can say which one is really better?
Seriously though, over-fried as they were, the final “shots” tasted delicious. It was certainly a unique experience, and it came at the small price of a few oil burns, and the weirdest hangover ever. Plus, tequila actually has some beneficial effects, so these count as health food right?
Overall, I think anything that can make bottom shelf booze taste like fried dough is something that we can all get behind, so maybe when you head out to show off your beach bod this spring break, ditch the bottle, and grab an apron instead.