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How to Start Living Low or No-Waste

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Northwestern chapter.

In early July, when Starbucks announced plans to completely abandon the use of plastic straws in all stores by 2020, social media exploded with praise and discussion about how to further protect our environment. It soon became clear that eliminating plastic straws would be just the beginning of Starbucks’ much larger movement toward greener living.

Following this mega-brand’s example, the #stopsucking campaign gained popularity, garnering support from environmentally-conscious Instagram celebrities and politicians alike. Now that low to no-waste living is trending, it’s important that we don’t let this positive wave crash. Our society needs to recognize the impact that small lifestyle changes can make toward preserving our earth, and even though it’s trendy to be environmentally conscious now, it’ll soon be necessary to make these changes permanently.  

What is No-Waste Living?

A no-waste lifestyle requires doing everything in your power to produce as little trash as possible. This means prioritizing only the essentials and using reusable containers, aiming to eliminate the need for a trash can completely.

Get Started

This major lifestyle change won’t happen overnight, and oftentimes, even people who pledge to go low to no-waste are unable to maintain the lifestyle. The key is that everyone has to start somewhere, so start by trying to reduce waste or be low-waste, then gradually transition to no-waste. 

1. Compost

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Composting is definitely one of the easier switches to make. Recycling is certainly more common, but a whopping 91% of plastic STILL doesn’t get recycled. Composting takes all of the food scraps that would be thrown in a landfill and turns them into soil, which is full of nutrients that can be safely and healthily  returned to the earth. To begin composting, all you really need is a big bucket and some fertilizer. Then, you can either use your own compost as soil or find a location to drop off your compost so that farmers can take it off your hands.

2. Cook Your Own Food

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Food that doesn’t have packaging will not only be great for reducing waste, it will also be beneficial to your health. Whole foods like fruits and veggies don’t require plastic containers and you can even purchase these goodies at farmer’s markets to support local vendors. Other whole foods can be bought in bulk at the grocery store (which brings me to my next point).

3. Buy in Bulk

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Caty Schnack

This doesn’t just apply to food, it also goes for shampoo, soap, conditioner, you name it! Buying in bulk eventually means using only one container for up to a year, rather than getting a new container every few months. To truly commit to zero-waste, look for stores that will let you bring in your own container to re-fill.

4. Use Reusable Containers and Silverware

no-waste yogurt smoothie
Julia Gilman

No more to-go boxes or plastic forks and knives. Try carrying these containers and utensils with you, packing lunch from home, or even asking stores like Starbucks to pour your order into a thermos from home. Some stores will actually give you a discount! And of course, always carry a reusable water bottle rather than plastic. The sooner plastic water bottles go extinct, the better.

5. Don’t Buy in Excess

If you’re on a budget, then this strategy is for you. Oftentimes, more food and drink ends up in the trash than in your stomach. Fruits and veggies expire quickly if they’re not frozen, so be mindful of this when grocery shopping. Surprisingly, the same goes for items without expiration dates. For example, is it worth grabbing a free pen from a career fair when you already have a whole pack back home? Sure, it’s free, but if it’s going to sit unused until it’s eventually thrown out, it probably isn’t worth picking up in the first place. 


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What’s better than bringing your own booze? Bringing your own bag! Grocery stores give discounts when you bring reusable bags from home, and better yet, bringing your own bags also reduces clutter by minimizing the mountain of plastic bags overflowing in your pantry. 

7. Use Towels Instead of Napkins

While it may feel weird at first, you can really clean up any mess without a paper towel. If you have dirty hands at dinner, use a handkerchief. Mess on the kitchen counter? A sponge or towel can mop it up, then you can pop it in the washing machine.

To Sum It Up…

Zero-waste is more of a goal that you should strive to than a hard and fast rule. Don’t be hard on yourself and know that any step to lowering your waste makes a difference. Start small, and work up to bigger goals. Recognize that what may seem impossible can be achievable if you take small steps. Even better, get your friends on board with the no-waste lifestyle to make it easier to stick to it and save the earth.

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Manon Blackman

Northwestern '18