Growing up, I wasn’t a big fan of Jello, but I always thought that my mom’s patriotic jello cake was the coolest dessert. It wasn’t a holiday celebration without the red, white, and blue cake. This is easy to make and totally Instagram-worthy. Pair it with these red, white, and blue drinks and you’re all set for the Fourth of July.

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Red, White, and Blue Jello Poke Cake
Preheat your oven according to the instructions on the box of your cake mix. Grease and flour the cake pan.
Combine all the ingredients for the cake in a bowl and mix well. Pour the batter into a 9Ã13 pan and put into the oven for the time allotted on the box.
Allow the cake to cool. Once cooled off from the oven, use a fork to poke holes in vertical lines on the cake. The closer together the lines, the more color the cake will have.
Boil the gelatin with one cup of hot water. Then mix in 1/2 cup of cold water. Stir this together until completely combined. Make sure to do this separately for both colors. Then pour gelatin mixture onto the cake along the holes on the cake. Alternate gelatin colors for every other line in order to have alternate red and blue stripes.
Once the gelatin mixture has completely soaked in, put the cake in the fridge to cool overnight.
Frost with Cool Whip, then decorate and enjoy. To store, keep it covered in the fridge.