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Here’s Why You Should Join Ithaca College’s Spoon U Chapter

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Ithaca chapter.

What’s good, my fellow food-loving Bombers? As the spring semester is underway, it’s once again that time of year to start thinking about getting involved in different clubs and organizations on campus. And yes, Ithaca College’s Spoon University chapter is looking for new members.

What’s Spoon University?

According to its website, “Spoon University is a global community of young influencers shaping the future of food.”

The Spoon community strives to simplify and celebrate college students navigating the food and cooking scene for what could be their first time, and empower contributors at hundreds of college campuses all over the globe (you heard me correctly) to write articles, host events and create videos.

I think we can all agree that everyone loves food. It’s what brings people together, sparks conversation and fills our hearts and stomachs with happiness. Regardless of whether you’re a writer, photographer, videographer, social media wizard, or a fiercely passionate food fanatic, we’re excited to work with you and engage in all things food.

Need more convincing? (Psh, like you need more convincing.) Well, here are just some of the many reasons why you should join Spoon U at Ithaca College. 

1. Learn valuable skills

Whether you’re a journalism, business or physical therapy major, our chapter will grant you the opportunity to learn what is valuable in any field. Spoon University promotes essential career skills, like collaboration, communication, creativity, organization and leadership. From writing and photography to social media marketing and event planning, there are a multitude of ways to get work-related experience prior to college graduation.

Plus, instagramming your avocado toast will now have a more significant purpose. #score

2. Build your portfolio and resume

With the countless opportunities to write articles, take photos and videos and utilize social media marketing platforms, Spoon University allows you to create and accumulate high-quality content that can be submitted for potential internships and jobs. The online food resource continues to have an increasingly popular presence, so being part of something so well-known is, quite frankly, pretty dope.

3. Discover your passions

Perhaps you’ll apply as a photographer and realize you prefer being in on the event planning action. Maybe a recent dinner at a restaurant will spark your interest in writing an article about it. Or, it could be that taking to your video editing skills will inspire you to pursue an internship that requires you to produce video packages. The possibilities are endless. At Spoon University, creativity is held to the utmost importance, so you can find and engage in what truly interests you.

4. Celebrate the freedom

If you apply to be a photographer, don’t let that hinder you from pursuing other positions in our chapter. You can still write an article on any food or wellness-related topic that you desire. You can still plan events. There are truly no limits when it comes to Spoon. Everyone is encouraged to be a part of anything they pique interest in.

Spoon University also has a considerably new platform on its website called Spoon Healthier, which is dedicated to exploring what it means to be healthy. Article topics range from body image and dieting to lifestyle choices and coping with anxiety. So, if there is a subject matter that means something to you or you find important, you will, without a doubt, be able to write about it.

5. Join a community of foodies

What better way to connect with other students who share the same passion for food than to join an organization devoted to just that? Not only will you get to meet new people and form connections with other likeminded individuals, but you will also gain new food insight. Since I joined Spoon, I have learned about numerous restaurants in the Ithaca area, how to navigate the dining halls on campus and where to get the best ice cream.

And, what’s more important than that? #priorities

6.  Be a part of those awesome dining hall events

Ever walk into Terrace’s and see an assembly line of white t-shirt-wearing students flipping deluxe stacks of pancakes or creating mouthwatering ice cream sundaes? Well, that is Spoon U for you. From ice cream socials and cookie decorating nights to the annual personalized pancake station, the events our chapter brings to Ithaca College always manage to put smiles on students’ faces, since we strive to break up the monotony that comes along with dining hall food. Sorry, Sodexo.

7. Eat amazing food

Because food is the main topic we discuss and revel in, we will keep you in the know of other food-related events in the Ithaca area. From exchanging restaurant recommendations to reporting back on various dishes at local hotspot eateries, we will make sure you’re eatin’ good.

Now that you have a glimpse into the incredible Spooniverse, apply to Spoon University at Ithaca College to eat, learn and talk about all things food and lifestyle. Stop by our table at the student organization fair on Wednesday, January 31st anytime from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for more information on how to apply.

Journalism major, aspiring ice cream tester