Who needs meat to get in on the burger scene? These super low-cost chickpea burgers are a healthy alternative to beef or chicken, and are much easier and quicker to throw together in a hurry.

Chickpea Burgers
First off, dice your onion and garlic.
Next, open and drain your chickpeas then sling ’em in a bowl along with your diced onion and garlic.
Hand blenders at the ready everyone, here comes the difficult part. Get stuck in with your whizzing death stick and pulverise the contents of the bowl until it’s a smooth paste. If you want to take the easy way out, then use a food processor, but to be truly hardcore, do what my flatmate did when he first tried this recipe and go at it with a fork (expect rippling biceps as a result).
Add your seasonings and stir in with a spoon until it’s fully mixed.
To make this mixture more workable, add the flour a tablespoon at a time until it pulls together into a thicker, dough-like substance which you can mould with your hands into patties. The amount of flour can vary, so just keep going until it resembles a sticky bread dough. Your patties should be whatever diameter your buns are and about an 3/4 of an inch thick.
Heat up some oil (around 2 tablespoons) in a saucepan at around mid-high heat and fry on each side until crispy and brown (around 3 minutess a side). This recipe makes around 5 decent-sized burgers. If you like, you can add some thin slices of cheese onto the top of the burger after you flip it the first time for a good melty finish.
Serve up with whatever burger ingredients you like; I’ve gone for cheddar, mozarella, salad, mayo, gherkin, and tomato.