Sprinkles make everything better. The tiny, sugary topping is a colorful addition to any treat. My favorite way to use sprinkles is by shaking a little (or a lot) onto chocolate covered pretzel sticks. It totally ups your snack game. Here’s how to make these perfect party snacks.

Fun, Sprinkle Covered White Chocolate Pretzel Rods
Heat the white chocolate in the microwave until melted. Add coconut oil to make it smooth and creamy.
Spread melted white chocolate over 2/3 of the pretzel rods. Go ahead, get a little messy.
Set coated pretzels on a plate or tray lined with parchment paper. Quickly throw a bunch of sprinkles on each chocolate covered pretzel before it dries.
Stick the tray of pretzels in the freezer for a few minutes to make it dry quicker. Take it out, and enjoy,