How many times has someone told you that in college you’re going to have to live off of Top Ramen? Imagine that: day in and day out where all you eat is noodles in salty broth with no variation except for your chosen flavor. That is not the kind of world I want to live it. That is why I tested and perfected two easy Top Ramen recipes that you can use to speed up the process and/or expand your flavor options.

(Cheesy) Top Ramen in the Microwave
Remove the ramen and the seasoning packet from the package. Place the seasoning packet to the side and the ramen into a bowl.
Pour water into the bowl until the water is level with the top of the ramen. Sprinkle some seasoning on top of the ramen. Place it in the microwave for one minute.
Take the ramen out of the microwave and turn it over in the bowl. Sprinkle a bit more seasoning on top and put it back in the microwave for another minute. If you want to have cheesy ramen, put a cheese slice on top of the ramen now. I use American cheese because it melts well. Repeat this step.
Mix the ramen noodles in the bowl and pour out any broth you do not want.
Below is the cheesy ramen. The broth is thicker than the ramen with only the water. Also, if you use cheese, you do not need to use as much seasoning because the cheese will add saltiness.
This recipe is perfect for when you don’t feel like taking out a pot and waiting for water to boil. It also tastes great with some hot sauce, a fried egg, or pieces of ham or other meat. Adding all three is #ramengoals.

Creamy Garlic Ramen
Remove the ramen and the seasoning packet from the package. Place the seasoning packet and ramen to the side.
Mince the garlic and put it into a pot with the milk, nutmeg, and hot sauce (optional). Bring the milk to a boil.
Once the milk boils, put the ramen into it and start to move it around to give all the noodles a chance to cook. Cook it for three minutes.
After about two and a half minutes put the ramen seasoning into the pot and mix it thoroughly. Adding the seasoning toward the end will prevent the salt in the seasoning from drawing too much water from the noodles before they have a chance to cook.
After the ramen has cooked for three minutes, remove it from the heat and pour in the parmesean. If it looks too dry, add some more milk or a little water.
The creamy garlic ramen is far less brothy than normal ramen or the microwave ramen. The sauce is more similar to creamy sauces like alfredo sauce or the sauce in macaroni and cheese.
If you want to thicken the sauce, you can add more cheese. You can also let it sit for a bit and it will thicken up pretty well on its own. However, it is easy to let it sit for too long and it get a bit thick and sticky. This can be fixed with a little milk or water.
Now It’s Your Turn
Ramen is fast and easy to make. With a microwave, it is even faster to make. With some milk, garlic, and cheese, it is taken to a whole different flavor dimension. Gone are the days of waiting for water to boil and eating the same ramen noodles every night. With these easy Top Ramen recipes, your life just got a lot more exciting. Go out and share your new ramen-making skills with the world.