We all know certain foods just go together: peanut butter and bananas, bacon and eggs, milk and cookies, coffee and donuts…the list goes on. The latest perfect food pairing is going to sound weird at first, but bear with me here. Chocolate and avocado go together seamlessly; they’re made for each other and these recipes prove it.
1. Dark Chocolate Avocado Truffles

Photo by Emily Hu
These dark chocolate avocado truffles only have three ingredients and are super easy to make. Next time you’re craving your chocolate fix, combine the super antioxidant power of dark chocolate with the heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids of avocados and satisfy your sweet tooth. Recipe here.
2. Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Photo by Danielle Cahoon
Um yum. Looking for something silky smooth, chocolatey and also stupid easy to throw together? This chocolate mousse is for you. Just throw all your ingredients in a blender and voilà. Top with fresh fruit, more chocolate (always more chocolate), and sprinkles. Make it like this.
3. Inside-Out Avocado Peanut Butter Cups

Photo by Katherine Baker
By now you’re convinced that avocado and chocolate are the new match made in heaven, so why not add chocolate’s other best friend, peanut butter, into the mix? Check out these delicious, creamy, guilt-free Reese’s copycats.
4. Vegan Double Chocolate Avocado Fudge Cookies

Photo by Katherine Baker
This name speaks for itself. Double chocolate? Always double the dose of chocolate whenever possible. And VEGAN? Does it get better? Get the recipe to whip these up for something decadent.
#SpoonTip: If you make these with certified gluten free oat flour, these are gluten free too!
6.Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies

Photo by Olivia D’Aiutolo
This food pairing is so versatile. You can make cookies, truffles, peanut butter cups, and check out this recipe for rich, fudgy brownies. They only require seven ingredients, one bowl, and don’t have any sugar in them. These are practically a health food. Eat these for breakfast. You will not regret it.
6. Healthy Chocolate Chip Avocado Cookies

Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Nocera
Who said healthy had to be boring? These cookies do have a little butter them (okay you caught me), but compared to your average chocolate chip cookie, these are much lighter. Next time you’re craving a gooey, warm cookie (like right now maybe??) make these cookies.
7. Dairy-Free Avocado Chocolate Cream Pie

Photo courtesy of wholelifestylenutrition.com
Dairy-free cream pie? “But how?” you ask. Avocado, obviously. This amazing, silky smooth super food replaces the cream in a traditional chocolate cream pie. Couple that rich, chocolatey goodness with homemade coconut cream and you’re in for a treat. Make this pie next time you’re looking to impress someone.
8. Double Chocolate Avocado Zucchini Bread

Photo courtesy of iwashyoudry.com
Again with the double chocolate. But double the vegetables here too! (Okay, technically avocados are fruits…but same thing, right? ) Mom always said to eat your veggies, but who knew it could be this yummy? Get the recipe here.
9. Mint-Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Photo courtesy of nutritionstripped.com
We all know ice cream is part of a healthy diet, but sometimes it can leave you feeling gross. Swap in a cone of your mint chip for this delicious, guilt-free green smoothie packed with all the greens you need for the day and studded with chocolate. We’ll take two. Find out how to do it here.
10. Avocado Chocolate Cake

Photo courtesy of iambaker.net
For the grand finale this super moist, decadent chocolate cake is seriously beautiful. I mean look at it. And it’s not just a pretty face. There’s not any butter in that cake. All avocado. So, go ahead, have a second piece. Recipe here.

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