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blueberry chocolate chip oatmeal cookies %282%29 brooke buchan
blueberry chocolate chip oatmeal cookies %282%29 brooke buchan

Make Cookies Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Alabama chapter.

Every year people vow to make the new year their best year yet. They make a promise to themselves to make healthier choices, drink more water and go to that gym they pay for every month. Then January comes and goes with most people settling back into their old habits having been to the gym for one week and only drinking that kale smoothie once.

After your 2018 resolutions of eating healthy and working out have subsided, I suggest you turn to baking. Because what is better than a fresh baked cookie after all that healthy food you have been devouring.

I do know that eating healthy and working out is essential to good health, but making it a New Year’s resolution just sets one up for failure. New Year’s resolutions are full of high expectations and unrealistic goals that people do not truly believe in. That is why you should all get on board and make cookies your New Year’s resolution. Make it a priority to make cookies at least once a month (or more, cookies are good) for all  of these great reasons:

1. Baking Relieves Stress

cookies your new year's resolution sweet oatmeal
Megan Reardon

According to Business Insider, baking focuses the mind and allows people to express themselves creatively. Having any sort of creative outlet provides stress relief whether it is baking or painting. After the stress of 2017, we all need a new way to rid ourselves of stress. Make cookies your New Year’s resolution and start the year stress free with these homemade oatmeal cookies.

2. Perfecting One Cookie

cookies your new year's resolution cookie candy
Amanda Shulman

If you are an avid baker (or not), taking time each month to perfect your favorite cookie will benefit you. You will have a go-to cookie that is perfect for all occasions and never have to worry about a new recipe turning out well. You can practice your sugar cookie skills and end up having the best cookies come the holiday season or have the best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the neighborhood.

3. Or… Trying a Bunch of Cookies

cookies your new year's resolution
Sarah Miller

If you are not looking to perfect the best sugar cookies for the holiday season and only want to enjoy some delicious cookies… that is great, too. Each month try out a new recipe like these dark chocolate pistachio cookies. Then make themed cookies for the holidays, starting next month with strawberry champagne cookies for Valentine’s Day

4. Bringing People Together

cookies your new year's resolution
Sarah Miller

Cookies are not just good to give to others, but to bring others together. Make five different kinds of cookies with your best friend while you catch up or get a group of friends together to bake for a cookie potluck. Whatever you choose to bake, maybe try out some bacon chocolate chip cookies, the cookies will surely bring you together.

5. Cookies Are Delicious

cookies your new year's resolution chocolate cookie
Collette Block

In addition to all the other benefits of making cookies your New Year’s resolution, the number one reason to make them is because they are delicious. Have one, or twelve. Chocolate chip or peanut butter, they will never not bring a smile to your face.

Cookies are easy to make and hard to give up. They are filled with butter, sugar and other yummy ingredients. If you are still going strong with your healthy New Year’s resolution there are a ton of ways to indulge without quitting, like these chocolate chip avocado cookies. If you have decided to remain at home on the couch instead of in the gym on a treadmill, go ahead and whip up a batch of cookies to enjoy. Make it your best year yet, full of your best cookies yet.

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Sarah Miller

Alabama '21