This rainbow ice cream is an original recipe that is vegan, healthy, totally Insta-worthy, and made with just 7-8 ingredients. It's not only aesthetically pleasing, but also mega healthy. The different colored layers of blended fruits and vegetables provide different nutritional health benefits based on their hue, creating a vibrant and vitamin-dense refresher. 

I would suggest making one layer at a time and placing your jar in the freezer after each layer as you make the new one. Also, the purpose of the banana, tofu, and watermelon whites are to make the color lighter. If you don’t have them all, any substitution will work just as fine for the rainbow ice cream.

Rainbow Vegan Ice Cream

  • Prep Time:20 mins
  • Cook Time:10 mins
  • Total Time:30 mins
  • Servings:1
  • Medium


  • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup frozen kale
  • Blue food coloring
  • 3/2 cup tofu or 1 banana
  • 1-2 bananas
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 2 cup frozen watermelon + the whites
  • 1/2 cup frozen cherries
sweet, mint, cream, ice, berry, strawberry, smoothie
Grace Ling
  • Step 1

    Add ½ cup of cherries and ½ cup of frozen watermelon to make the red layer. You can also add less cherry and more banana, the white part of watermelon, or tofu if you’d like a lighter shade of red or pink. Add to jar and put in freezer.

    berry, blueberry, sweet, yogurt
    Grace Ling
  • Step 2

    Add 1/2 a banana and ½ cup of mango for the orange layer. Add to jar and put in freezer.

    tea, ice, sweet
    Grace Ling
  • Step 3

    Add ½ cup watermelon whites (the red disappears when you blend) and ½ banana for the yellow layer. Add to jar and put in freezer.

    tea, apple, juice, sweet
    Grace Ling
  • Step 4

    Add 1-2 cups of kale and ½ cup of watermelon whites for the green layer. Add to jar and put in freezer.

    tea, milk, condiment, coffee, herb, salt
    Grace Ling
  • Step 5

    For the blue layer, use the same ingredients as the yellow layer with one drop of blue food coloring. Add to jar and put in freezer.

  • Step 6

    For the purple layer, use ¼ cup of blueberries (the color is strong) and ½ pack of tofu for the purple layer. The tofu makes a creamy finish, similar to the consistency of whipped cream. Add to jar and put in freezer.

    #SpoonTip: If you enjoy the creamy texture, feel free to replace watermelon whites or banana with tofu in the previous steps.

    Grace Ling
  • Step 7

    Garnish your smoothie with fruit shapes. I used a cookie cutter to make stars out of apple.

    Grace Ling

 Taste the rainbow! I hope you enjoy making my rainbow ice cream. have similar simple recipes on my blog and food Instagram