
The Best 5 Things your Parent Could Send You in a Care Package

The best feeling is when you get a notification that you have a package when you are in college. I love receiving packages whether its something as simple as my face moisturizer from Amazon or it's a care package from a family member it's the best. The best things my parents could send me from home are: 

1. Food

I always miss my favorite foods from home when I am up at school, so I really like when I get food from my parents. I love getting food that I can replace meals with-- like cups of oatmeal for breakfast that I can quickly make in my dorm room instead of having to go to the dining hall. I also love getting healthy snacks that I can eat throughout the day since I sometimes cannot find healthy snacks up at school

2. Holiday Decorations 

My mom always sends me seasonal care packages, and they are the best. She always puts in decorations for my room whether it is a plastic pumpkin on Halloween or a string of glittery paper hearts to hang up on my door on Valentine's Day. I love receiving decorations to make my room look more festive for each holiday.  

3. Clothing 

I love opening up a box and seeing new clothing, or clothing I had left at home. I appreciate that my parents can send me things that I had left at home. But, when they send me new things, I get so excited to wear them!

4. Medicine

Getting sick in college is the worst. Knowing my parents can send me up something from home that I need like medicine is a relief. For example, if I need cough medicine, my parents can send it up to me! 

5. Beauty Products 

I go through beauty products so fast, so it's nice to know my mom can run out and pick it and ship it to me. Whenever I know I am about to run out of a hair product or of my makeup, I know can get it in a couple of days. 

It's comforting to know that my parents can ship me up something so quickly when I need it. I love opening up a package and seeing what's inside!