
How to Survive Cold Season in a Dorm Full of Sick People

Halfway through frosh week, I started coughing, sneezing, and falling asleep at eight o'clock (much to my new roomie's annoyance). By the first week of classes, I had two ear infections and my cold wasn't getting any better.

Usually, this is when I would bust out some ginger, garlic, honey, and lemon juice, chug herbal teas, and live in a hot bath.

Unfortunately, I had just moved into residence for my first year at Queen's University. My mini fridge was filled with canned soda and string cheese, I forgot to bring a mug, and my bath at home was a three-hour drive away.

Through trial and error, I got better, but now the rest of my floor is sick and I'm sure I've infected half the campus, too. Since this is probably the case in most university dorms, I compiled all of my tips here so you don't have to suffer as much as I did.

What You Should Be Ingesting

Obviously, hydration is the number one priority when you're sick, but that doesn't just mean water. Try drinking half water, half orange juice. That way you get a little fruit in your system, but you aren't overloading on sugar. Bring it in a water bottle everywhere you go so that you don't forget to drink constantly.

In the dining hall, try to avoid your urge to comfort-binge, as this will upset your stomach and make you even more miserable. Hit up the salad station and grab as much fruit as possible to help your digestive and immune systems. If your school provides it, chicken noodle soup is a classic sick dish that will make you feel better (and just like you're at home with your mom). 

What You Shouldn't Be Ingesting

I don't know why I have to say this, but don't drink alcohol. If you're on any antibiotics or even taking over-the-counter cold medication, alcohol is not something to add to the funky science experiment going on in your body—plus, it's really dehydrating. If you're taking cough medicine, you probably feel pretty high already. Just knock back the recommended dose of NyQuil and have your own party.

As for food, the top two things to avoid are excess dairy and fats. Though it's been disputed, it's been said that dairy can increase mucus production and upset your stomach when sick. Fatty foods have also been shown to increase inflammation and lower your immune system. Plus, heavy foods like those just make you feel nastier than you already do. Eat light, folks.

What You Should Be Doing

Sleep. In between classes, the second you get back from the dining hall, both days of the weekend—do it as much as you can. You might get FOMO when scrolling through Instagram the next morning, but it's better to sleep and get better quickly than to overexert yourself and drag your cold on for weeks.

Another invaluable resource in your residence is the showers. When every imaginable orifice in my head was congested, I'm not ashamed to admit that I took a 15-minute long hot shower twice a day. The combination of heat and steam will help your runny nose and cough, and it helps to get all of the icky germs off your body.

What You Shouldn't Be Doing

Your roomie (if you have one) is unavoidably going to come into contact with you, but to everyone else, your dorm room should be a quarantine. While you're sick, wash your hands, clean your desk with Lysol wipes, and cover your mouth when you cough. Colds spread like wildfire in dorms, and it's the worst feeling ever to see your floormates coughing once you're all better.

Don't ignore your cold, either. You might get behind on your readings or miss a couple days in the gym, but your health comes before all of those responsibilities.

Getting a cold in a dorm can make you feel homesick and alone, but remember that it will only last so long. Plus, your family will be way more likely to send you a care package filled with comforting goodies.

Just do whatever works for you, and concentrate on getting better. That's the most important thing.