If you are like me, you love anything that has the words ‘buffalo chicken‘ in it. My love for buffalo chicken has grown in college. There is just something about buffalo chicken foods that satisfy all your cravings (sorry my vegan friends). Being a college student, I wanted to find a dish that is both easy to make and is something that I love. Why not combine two of my favorite things, buffalo chicken and pizza? Here is a simple recipe for exactly that.

The Guide to the Best Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Preheat the oven to 425°.
Roll out pizza dough and place it on baking tray.
Once pizza dough is rolled out and flat, pour olive oil and ranch and spread it on the dough. If you do not like ranch you can use blue cheese too!
Take two cups of cheese and spread it on top of the ranch and olive oil.
In a separate bowl, mix together the chicken, the buffalo sauce, and any spices of your choosing.
Place mixed chicken on top of the cheese and then take the last cup of cheese and place that on top of the chicken.
Squeeze around the edges to make a crust and place it in the oven for 20 minutes.
Cut up into pieces and volia! You have a delicious and savory buffalo chicken pizza.
Be prepared for the strong scent of buffalo chicken to take over your apartment or dorm for a bit, but honestly it’s a great scent. Once your pizza comes out of the oven, let it cool a bit before you cut into it. Lastly, enjoy your buffalo chicken masterpiece. I can guarantee you will be pleased.