College really puts a damper on cooking. Between getting to the grocery store and having all of the proper ingredients, it can be tough to make gourmet dishes out of your dorm room kitchen. However, thanks to a new partnership with Chef’d and Spoon University, the first meal kit made for College students is coming to a doorstep near you.
There are many benefits to going with meal kits rather than the traditional grocery trip. However, if those reasons don’t have you convinced, we cooked up one of the many meals offered, and it was to-die-for.

Asian Lettuce Wraps
Peel and cut half of the onion into 1/4 inch diced pieces. Set aside.
With meal kits, getting fresh ingredients is always a scare for me. After all, how fresh can veggies sent in a box to your doorstep really be? Well, boy was I wrong. Every veggie in this box was as fresh (if not more fresh) than what I would have picked up from the grocery store- SCORE.
Finely chop garlic and green onion, set aside.
I am no Top Chef. In fact, I don’t even know what u0022finely chopu0022 even means. However, with these kick ass meal kits, you get step-by-step instructions with pictures. So basically, it’s a piece of cake.
Keep on choppin’. Use that term you just learned, and u0022finelyu0022 chop up half the drained water chestnuts and the pickled ginger.
Ah, leftovers. This is one of the great things about meal kits. Almost half of the ingredients were more than enough for what the recipe called for. This means you have extra in case you screw up the already fool proof recipe or to include in other recipes!
Heat a sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add ground beef and 1/4 tsp of salt and pepper. Heat until well-cooked and remove from pan and onto a plate.
In the same pan, add 1 tsp of vegetable oil and chopped onion. Sauté for 5 minutes, until caramelized. Add in the hoisin sauce, Tamara, rice wine vinegar, ginger and Sriracha.
That sounds like a lot of ingredients, right? Well, with meal kits, ingredients like sauces, are measured out for you. This is HUGE, because all you have to do is use your ketchup packet skills and open up each measured package and add it to your recipe, DONE.
In the same pan, add the water chestnuts, green onion, sesame oil, and cooked beef. Cook and stir for about 1 minute, remove from heat.
I’m telling you, my roommates are going to think this is PF Chang’s takeout.
Plate in a leaf of butter lettuce and enjoy!
Ready to start cooking? Sign up for a free care package and you’ll be notified when the meal kit is ready to order! Enjoy 🙂Â