I’ve always been a fan of everything and anything you can make in a mug—perfectly proportioned, it can serve as a filling breakfast, a protein-filled lunch, or a comforting dessert (like a mug cake). You can double the recipe and share it with a friend, or hoard the deliciousness all to yourself because, hey, you’re worth it.
I used to bake nearly every weekend, crafting everything from s’mores cookies to slutty brownies. But, when I made the choice to embody a healthier lifestyle, I decided that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t the best idea to have a plate of brownie cookies laying around.
Still, I didn’t want to deprive myself of what I loved, either. The result? A low-calorie, high-protein mug cake. Your body won’t even know it’s been blessed something so healthy. Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you don’t.

High-Protein Mug Cake
Buy u0022allu0022 of your ingredients and walk all the way from CVS (or your local grocery/convenience store) to your dorm. Realize you forgot one. Repeat process.
Mix in dry ingredients firstânamely, the Protein Powder (in the end, any flavor works; listen to your heart, love, itâll guide you), the PB2 (or your favorite brand of powdered peanut butter), the sweetener (bought from the store because youâre a good citizen, or stolen from the dining hall because youâre, well, me), the baking soda, and the salt.
Stir in the wet ingredients. You may need to adjust the amount of Almond Milk (or whatever milk), so feel it out. And then, while youâre at it, feels it out, too.
Throw in some Halloween sprinkles because, you know, it’s a great holiday and you couldn’t control yourself when you saw how cute they were.
Put it in the microwave for about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, or until the top becomes solid. Don’t overcook or it’ll become super rubbery, and, trust me, that’s fun for no one.
I think the real beauty of this recipe is that it’s very bare-bones—you can adjust it to whatever you’re vibing that day. You can add some blueberries, exclude the sprinkles, throw in a few marshmallows—go crazy with it.
And then, when you’re done eating, you’re ready to head off to the gym. Or, you know, you could stay in bed and watch Stranger Things because, hey, you just cooked and being a chef is hard.
Also, I’m pretty sure everyone needs a scrabble mug in their life. I’m just saying.