
5 Simple Healthy Snacks That Taste Sinful

As a college student, I fully understand the struggles between those late night cravings and wanting to eat healthy. There is no easy way to voluntarily choose a celery stick over a candy bar, however, when you have snacks that taste good and are good for you then there is no excuse to not make the right choice. 

With these five simple snacks, you can satisfy both your sweet tooth and your waistline.

1. Biena Honey Roasted Chickpeas

These things are the bomb! I was hesitant at first when trying these due to my usual dislike of chickpeas, but to my surprise I loved them.

They don't taste like your normal chickpeas, as they have been roasted up to crispy perfection and mixed with honey and sea salt. The end result is a sweet and salty snack that is perfect for munching on the go. 

2. Dates with Almond Butter and Granola

This may not be the prettiest snack but damn, it tastes good. Sticky, sweet, crunchy and packed with nutrients? Yes please. This is my go-to healthy dessert/snack whenever my sweet tooth is calling. This combo tastes so much like candy that you almost forget your eating a fruit.

3. Carmel Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips

Rice cakes get a bad rap for being bland and dry. However, when you try one of the many flavors (like Caramel or chocolate) that they have out there, pile on the peanut butter (my favorite is @crazyrichards), granola, dried fruit, shredded coconut and of course dark chocolate chunks, you will be pleasantly surprised. It has healthy fats, it's low carb and super filling, making it the perfect satisfying snack

4. Power Crunch Bar

I know what your thinking, a protein bar? Really? This is not any ordinary protein bar, it legit taste like a candy bar. I love the peanut butter fudge flavor as it tastes like a Kit Kat and a Reese's has a baby.

It's low in sugar, has only 200 calories for 13 grams of protein and just a tiny bit high in fat (something's gotta give). But overall the macros rock and the taste is even better. It totally fills me up for a good two or three hours and satisfies my sweet tooth!

5. Bananas with Peanut Butter and Cinnamon 

Banana and peanut butter are match made in heaven already but when you add the sprinkle of cinnamon it takes this healthy snack to a new level. I love putting cinnamon on most of my fruit based snacks but especially on bananas it really brings out all the flavors and adds a bit of warm spice. You can also add granola or dark chocolate chips to take it even further.

This is perfect for on-the- go snacking or late night munching as it is sweet and spicy plus who does not love peanut butter. All in all this satisfying snack will hit the spot.

With these basic yummy snacks you can eat healthy and create a multitude of combination. Get creative and have fun with your snacking. Who said being healthy has to be boring?