
4 Vancouver Potluck Desserts That'll Get You into the Festive Spirit

Christmas is just around the corner, and there's nothing better than to spend it with friends and family over a good ol' potluck dinner. #SpoonTip: Always try to claim a dessert because it's probably the easiest meal to bring (and everyone loves dessert, AKA everyone will love you). 

Vancouver is filled with awesome Christmas spirit through sites and attractions, and its no short in the food area either. Here is a list of some of the limited edition Christmas desserts that you can get around Vancouver this year that will get your Santa belly jiggling.

1. Cupcake Wreath

Check out this fabulous idea from Cupcakes where you can fashion some freshly baked cupcakes into a little holiday wreath. Pop by their store to place an order now, or you can even make one yourself.

2. Gingerbread House 

There's nothing better than making a gingerbread house to really pump up the holiday spirit. You can purchase gingerbread house making kits at stores like Shoppers, Safeway, or even make it from scratch.

3. Yule Log

Going back to more traditional festive desserts, a yule log is another great dish to bring or make to celebrate the holidays. And no, it's not an actual wood log. We're lucky here in Vancouver because you can purchase a fantastic yule log from True Confections as part of their special limited edition menu. 

4. Mincemeat Pie

Last, but not least, is another traditional Christmas dessert. Nothing beats a nice warm mince pie during the cold snowy winter (or any snow Vancouver can really get for that matter). You can visit The Pie Shoppe to order some of their delicious traditional mincemeat pies to share with your family and friends.

If you're still not feeling the festive vibes, hit up these places in Vancouver and you're guaranteed to be filled with joy. On behalf of everyone here at Spoon UBC, we wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays!