Whether you enjoy indulging in the best ice cream shops across the country, claim that you don’t have a sweet tooth at all, or are vegan or dairy-free, you’ll be sure to enjoy this sweet treat this summer. Nice cream is easy to make and although it only has two ingredients it has the creamy texture of real ice cream.
The base is just bananas, so you can customize it however you want. You can make a large batch to share with friends, or make a single serving of these nice cream recipes just for yourself. The frozen bananas help keep the treat creamy, but you can change the flavor however you’d like. Personally, I liked the peanut butter banana nice cream the best because the peanut butter increased the creaminess, but the verdict differed all around.

Nice Cream 4 Ways
Slice each banana and put them in separate bags or containers. Freeze them for 2 hours.
Remove bananas from the freezer and place one banana into the food processor, along with 1/2 cup of pecans. Blend until creamy.
Repeat step two three more times using the chocolate chips, blueberries, and peanut butter. Top them with each ingredient, or mix it up!
You can use blueberries, chocolate chips, peanut butter, or pecans in your nice cream recipe as I did, or even combine them to make it your own. You can substitute any add-in you want! You don’t like chocolate? Try strawberries! Someone’s allergic to peanut butter? Try almond butter! You could even get creative and add both mint extract and chocolate chips.
Since it’s vegan and dairy-free, it’s a great crowd pleaser that anyone can enjoy. Check out some other vegan desserts that are easy to make. Vegan desserts don’t have to be complicated and people won’t even be able to know it’s vegan.