
When in Rome: How To Eat Your Way Through Rome In a Day

Due to a wind storm and some unfortunate circumstances that resulted in a missed flight, my trip to Rome was cut short to merely one day.  Devastated that I would only have a single day in Italy, I promised myself that I would indulge as much as possible in the single day I had there, rather than worry about counting calories. Why not, I told myself - because then again, "when in Rome!"  

An unconventional breakfast

My suggestion is to skip breakfast and get right down to business, and pass on the pastries. Start your day with some vegetables to give you energy for your long day of walking. Be prepared to walk a ton. After an early visit to the Colosseum, in order to avoid the long lines later in the day, stop at an open restaurant for a steaming plate of pasta with a pomodoro (tomato) based sauce.  

Just keep eating

Next, head to the Vatican, which will be a couple miles walk. This will help you build up your appetite for lunch once you arrive. I suggest a traditional margarita pizza. Make sure you do not stuff yourself, as right outside the Vatican lies some of the most famous gelato in all of Italy at Old Bridge Gelateria. You'll be craving a cold treat after braving the crowds in St Peter's Basilica.  

Sightseeing with a side of pastries

After visiting the smallest country in the world, start making your way back to central Rome. Make sure you walk by the Spanish Steps and the Pantheon on your way to one of the most touristy attractions in the city, the Trevi Fountain. If you get hungry on the way, stop in a local bakery for a fresh cannoli. Your taste buds will thank you later!  

If you still have room, it's time for dinner 

Once the sun sets, make sure you are in the vicinity of the Trevi Fountain. It is gorgeous at night, and in my opinion, more mesmerizing than during the day. Around the fountain lies some great restaurants, including my favorite in Rome, That's Amore. The pizza here is adorably shaped like hearts, but my favorite dish is the Pasta Carbonara, a Roman specialty.  

A real Carbonara, unlike the creamy version in the United States, is made with an egg yolk and cheese sauce.  The version at That's Amore is amazing, using succulent pork belly instead of the usual bacon.  All the other dishes at the restaurant are amazing, so make sure to stop here at the end of your day!  

Rome: A Foodie's Dream

Overall, you can't go wrong as a foodie in Rome.  Even the smallest hole in the wall on the side of the street will most likely have amazing food, so make sure to eat as much pasta, pizza, pastries, and gelato as you can!  The only way to truly experience Italy is through the food, so don't worry, you can diet when you get home and treat yo' self!