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The New Starbucks Valentine’s Day Collection Is Purr-fect

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s only appropriate that Starbucks release a holiday-related cup collection in honor of it. This time, Starbucks is catering to both coffee and cat lovers alike, with its “Feline in Love” collection. Seriously, who can say no to pink cups adorned with cats and ribbons? Here’s what we know about the Starbucks Valentine’s Day collection.

What’s in the Starbucks Valentine’s day collection?

The collection features various kinds of cups, including mugs, tumblers, and glasses. The tumblers and cups come in red and pink, all with different designs of cats. The mugs even have cat spoons and a tiny cat attached to the side. How cute!

starbucks Valentine's day collection
Photo via Starbucks

There’s even a card holder included in the collection, which features, you guessed it, cats. Now you’ll have a place to store all your Starbucks gift cards.

starbucks Valentine's day collection
Photo via Starbucks

And of course, Starbucks had to get in on the bow trend that’s been taking over TikTok and fashion alike. My personal favorite is this to-go cup, which features cats chilling in some ribbon bows.

starbucks Valentine's day collection
Photo via Starbucks

TikTok user @vanitysuite shows the full collection in store, and people really want to get their hands on them (or should I say, paws). One user commented “My Starbucks doesn’t have this but I’d 100% spend everything for these.” 

Where can you buy the Starbucks Valentine’s day collection?

Unfortunately, the collection is only found in-store in certain Asian countries, and is not available for in-store purchase in the U.S. (yet — I’m keeping my hopes up). But, you can purchase some of the collection online at the Starbucks website, where select mugs and tumblers are available.

Amanda Brucculeri is the fall editorial intern for Spoon University, where she covers food news and emerging trends. Beyond Spoon University, Amanda works as the podcast editor for Boston University News Service, where she oversees a team of reporters covering news through audio. She also writes for the city column of The Buzz Magazine, and is the host of a true crime radio show on WTBU student radio. She is currently a junior at Boston University, majoring in journalism with a minor in public relations. In her free time, she enjoys curating playlists, trying new restaurants, and watching movies.