“Shipping” has become a cornerstone of modern fandom culture. People love taking their two favorite characters and mashing their faces together like Barbie dolls. Some may call it imagining romance where there is none, while others would say it's advocating for a subtext only they can see. I don’t mean to speak down about it, either — I’ve been a fanfiction reader practically my whole life. One of my current favorite ships would have to be SydCarmy from the FX show The Bear. However, the characters’ actors would vehemently disagree.

With season 3 coming out this week, the cast has been on a press tour which prompted many questions about these two leading characters’ dynamic. This has been probably the most popular ship in The Bear’s fandom, sparking controversy when the show itself insisted on Marcus’, the kitchen’s resident baker, crush on Sydney.

Press Circuit Conversation

Jeremy Allen White, who plays Carmy, has recently talked about the fans’ shipping,“It’s crazy… Carmy and Sydney being romantically involved was not something we had discussed whatsoever,” he told Eater. “It feels like there’s a show happening outside of the show that we’re making.” Ayo Edibiri, who plays Sydney, on the other hand, can see where it comes from. “But also, the show is about many things, and one of those things is passion,” she said in an interview with Eater. “And I think when you see people being passionate about their work, it’s maybe one of those things where the wires are getting crossed in your brain a little bit. You see passion and think maybe, whoa [gestures romantically].”

From a cast perspective, this ship seems completely out of the realm of possibility. In another interview with Vanity Fair, both actors confirmed that was never the show’s plan. While this type of disagreement may cause some to double down on their belief, personally, I’m taking the actors on their word. At least for them, this did seem to be something completely foreign for their interpretations of their characters.

The Ship’s Popularity

So if the show itself protests this ship, why is it even as popular as it is? First and foremost, Edibiri has a point about the passion in the show. Whether they’re at each other’s throats or sharing one of the most tender moments in the show, these characters undeniably have very strong feelings for each other. I think back to the iconic table scene in this past season, where the two are able to work through some of their tension while leaning in just a bit too close together under a table. The scene shows, as many of their quieter moments do, how alike the two are and how they complement each other. This is an extremely compelling basis for a relationship, and this slow-build is a classic trope in romances.

Another draw is more meta. The actors’ have been spotted together in public many times, leading to speculation on the nature of their relationship as well. While I would say this is probably just because they are coworkers and, dare I say, friends, many would love to see this ship sail as well. Part of the reason for both of these ships, as TikTok user Aryel points out, is as a resistance to those who insist its platonic. “...if there’s a black woman lead in a show and then they’re shipped with the main white boy, people are like no no no, they’re besties.” Particularly if the woman is dark-skinned, as Edibiri is, typical shipping culture avoids them.

While no relationship should come out of a misguided attempt at activism, these two characters do have a very strong connection. Interracial relationships are still deeply stigmatized for no good reason, and seeing one at the forefront of a show as popular as this one could be huge. The show will continue to be powerful and interesting either way, but this relationship will get people talking no matter what direction is taken with it. At the end of the day, I’m still going to root for these two, even if I have to live in my own delusions to do so.

While no relationship should come out of a misguided attempt at activism, these two characters do have a very strong connection. Interracial relationships are still deeply stigmatized for no good reason, and seeing one at the forefront of a show as popular as this one could be huge. The show will continue to be powerful and interesting either way, but this relationship will get people talking no matter what direction is taken with it. At the end of the day, I’m still going to root for these two, even if I have to live in my own delusions to do so.