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Kraft Mac & Cheese Just Dropped A 30-Pack College Care Package

Making a care package is not an easy-peasy task. There’s so much thought that goes into making one, from assuring food stays fresh to thinking of essential items or treats that your loved one didn’t even know they needed. It’s basically a love letter but with gifts. Now that classes have started, it’s the perfect time to send one to your favorite college student. Because who wouldn’t love a care package? One of the best things to send are snacks — they’re easy to store and are a lifesaver when you’re up late studying or doing homework. But if you’re struggling with what food items to include, Kraft Mac & Cheese’s College Care Pack might be the answer for you.    

What’s in the Kraft Mac & Cheese care package?

The College Care Pack is available exclusively on Amazon for $29.99 and includes a 30-pack of the Kraft Mac & Cheese Easy Mac Cup. It’s “one cup for every day of the first 30 days [of] college,” according to the shopping site. Aside from the ready-to-go mac and cheese, the care pack also includes an all-in-one reusable utensil set.

Let’s be real, those first couple weeks of college are stressful, and this is the kind of comfort needed if you’re feeling overwhelmed, homesick, or both. This back-to-school offer can help students start that new chapter and ease back into academic life now that summer’s over (sorry if this doubles as a reminder). 

Mac & Cheese is a go-to dish for many (ramen noodle packets are right up there too). Plus, these cheesy little cups are convenient to make in a dorm room microwave.

Giselle Medina is the associate editor for Spoon University where she helps oversee food coverage of news, pop culture, trends, and celebrities. As someone with a huge sweet tooth, she's always on the hunt for a good chocolate chip cookie. Shoot her an email at gisellemedina@hercampus.com or follow her @giselle_medinaa.