
Wait, Can You Get Diet Coke In Europe?

For some people, an ice cold can of Diet Coke is more than a silly little beverage. It’s an absolute necessity. Real Housewives of New York City star Jill Zarin is apparently one of those people. In a TikTok posted by her daughter, Allyson Shapiro (@allyshaps), Zarin revealed that she was bringing an entire suitcase of Diet Coke to Europe. Zarin packed enough cans to last for her entire two week vacation, so as to prevent the unthinkable: not having Diet Coke in Europe. 

Wait, there’s no Diet Coke in Europe?

Of course, there is diet soda available in many parts of Europe. But for Zarin, it’s Diet Coke or bust. In a follow-up video, the RHONY star explained that she was going on a cruise ship and had been "made very aware that they only have Coke Light and Coke Zero," which according to her, suck. Having consumed my fair share of both Coke Zero and Diet Coke, I can attest that there is a certain je ne sais quoi to the chemically tang of the latter.

And it’s not just me and Zarin. According to the Coca-Cola website, there is a difference in taste between Coke Zero and Diet Coke. “Coca‑Cola zero sugar looks and tastes more like Coca‑Cola original taste, while Diet Coke has a different blend of flavors which gives it a lighter taste.”

What about Coke Light?

Coca-Cola light is found across much of Europe, and some say it’s just Diet Coke rebranded. But others say Diet Coke and Coke Light are not the same thing and do not taste the same. Of course, taste is subjective, but this is a valid argument because the taste could be impacted by variations in ingredients and bottling processes from country to country, or even within a country. I mean, I think we all know the McDonald’s soda machine dispenses the best Diet Coke in America. Also, Diet Coke is sweetened with only aspartame, while Coke Light is sweetened with sodium cyclamate, acesulfame and aspartame. Yum.

Can you get Diet Coke anywhere in Europe?

Diet Coke is only available in the form of Coke Light across much of continental Europe. According to Zarin "It's very hard to find Diet Coke" in Italy, Greece, and Croatia where she will be traveling. However, Diet Coke products can be found in the U.K. and Ireland. So yes, Zarin’s suitcase of soda is incredibly extra and quite impractical. But if she really can’t live without her daily Diet Coke, it may be a necessity.