
Anthony Bourdain Refuses to Eat This One Kind of Food

If you’ve got wanderlust in your heart and an empty stomach (or a lot of time to kill and a subscription to Netflix),  Anthony Bourdain is your culinary spirit animal. The dude’s not only a world-renowned chef, best-selling author, and immensely popular television personality — he’s the ultimate travel companion for a globe-trotting gastronomic journey.

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But if your trip requires an airplane, don’t expect Bourdain to raise his hand as the flight attendants roll their food cart down the cabin. The man who’s eaten everything from fetal duck egg to maggot fried rice to warthog anus refuses to eat airplane food.

“No one has ever felt better after eating plane food,” Bourdain recently told Bon Appétit. “I think people only eat it because they’re bored. I don’t eat on planes.”

Instead, Bourdain prefers to bring his own food on board. His tip for becoming the most-despised person on the plane?

“Bring some good barbecue on and have everybody in the plane smell it,” said Bourdain. “I brought some Joe’s BBQ on the plane from Kansas City once, and the look of pure loathing on everyone’s faces as I gnawed on my ribs—I wouldn’t care to repeat it.”

Even if Bourdain is traveling to some far-flung location and is stuck on the plane for hours in the double-digits, he’d “order cheese and shit-load of port.”

“I’d eat some cheese and drink myself stupid,” said Bourdain.

One other suggestion? When traveling, try to eat something that doesn’t upset your stomach too much or make you crap your pants, lest you invite the Twitter wrath of the Parts Unknown gourmand.

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Check out the full interview with Bourdain here and get psyched for Bourdain Market, which opens in NYC in 2017.

Can’t get enough Bourdain?