Your Myers-Briggs results will lead you to combination of four letters. But shouldn’t your results also give you a two-food combination? Maybe.
It’s no secret that we can compare your MBTI type to just about anything food-related. And that’s why we’ve compared the results to everything from pasta to chain restaurants.
As a reminder: Extroverted Es combine well with a lot of things, and introverted Is combine better with just a few. Intuitive Ns prefer to combine better abstract things, whereas sensing Ss combine better with what’s familiar. Feeling Fs like combinations to feel good, and thinking Ts want combinations to be logical. And our perceiver Ps need an option of combinations, while judging Js need their combo to be decided.
In case you’ve forgotten your type, you can re-examine your personality here.
ISTJ—Peanut Butter and Jelly
Why waste all your time trying to find an abstract combo when PB&Js go so well between two simple slices of Wonder Bread? As a straightforward person, this childhood favorite sandwich is much like you. The only abstract decision you’ll have to make, before this sammy makes its way into that cute lunchbox is whether you want strawberry or grape jelly.
ISTP—Pizza and Beer
Is there anything better than enjoying delivery with those you know well? As someone who likes things to ‘work right,’ you can never fail with a slice of pepperoni paired with a bottle of Blue Moon. With the energy you have, pizza and beer work well together in high-energy settings.
ESTJ—Buffalo and Ranch

You love to challenge people to go out of their comfort zones, and blazin’-hot buffalo is definitely out of some people’s comfort zones. As the one who usually leads the way, you’ll enjoy watching your friends take a bite out of the hottest wing and, of course, rewarding them afterward with some cooling ranch.
ESTP—Burger and Fries
You’re that type of person who appeals to many, and people will continue to love you no matter what kind of mistakes you make. As burgers and fries appeal to many like you, there’s a chance that someone might make the mistake of consuming too much. As soon as people look at what you have to offer, they can’t stop looking; as soon as people eat a fry, they can’t stop eating.
ISFJ—Sugar and Cinnamon
Your day-to-day living skills are so strong that your home, likely, is quite welcoming to many. As one who likes to provide and please, cinnamon and sugar provides a flavor that appeals to many. Once someone enters your home and smells fresh cinnamon buns or snickerdoodles being made in the oven, they’ll feel right at home.
ISFP—Tomato and Mozzarella
Your five senses are well-developed, and you have the ability to use them to make people feel the love. As someone who uses their senses all the time, your senses are strong enough to know just how much everyone will love tomato and mozzarella together. The two foods taste romantically-great on any pizza, pasta dish or appetizer.
ESFJ—Salt and Pepper
Life to you is all about spending time with friends who click well and doing things the right way. As one who does not like to do things wrong, just like you, salt and pepper never do things the wrong way. If something tastes a little off, salt and pepper are always there to do things right. Bland veggies never really needed anything more than this simple combo, did they?
ESFP—Cheese and Wine
You’re the most entertaining person in your friend group, whether you’re a ‘performer’ or no. As one who likes to be the life of the party, cheese and wine brings life to any party and entertains the crowd. You might end up at a party where things are dry (those parties where nobody is dancing, laughing or mingling), but things get lit as soon as the brie and chardonnay arrive.
INFJ—Rice and Beans
You believe you can help and change the entire world; however, this goal potentially is probably out of reach. As one who probably wants to feed everyone, you’re going to need an inexpensive solution like rice and beans. Rice can feed people for days, and beans can ensure that these people won’t feel super hungry.
INFP—Pita Chips and Hummus
It takes people a while to understand you, but many people one day will. As someone few people get at first, few people were into hummus and pita chips when they were first a ‘thing.’ Once people learned how great you were, they fell in love. That story is no different for chips and hummus—this combo is now a snack time essential.
ENFJ—Milk and Cereal
Sometimes you’re stuck doing the same favors for the various people in your life over and over again. As someone who loves to people please, you’re willing to do these favors on repeat. Just like different people in your life need different things, cereal can offer people everything from a sugar fix to a fiber serving—bowl after bowl.
ENFP—Mac and Cheese
Everyone loves you! Doesn’t matter how well they know you, they just love you. As one who is pretty popular in many walks of their life, macaroni and cheese is quite popular, too. The fact so many people come to you often means you have more to commit to on your plate than you can handle. And most people will definitely put more mac and cheese on their plate than they can handle.
INTJ—Spaghetti and Meatballs
The more complex an idea is, the better. Well, for you at least! As the one who is always experimenting with life’s biggest complications, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs is just as complicated. The noodles are all tangled, the sauce flies around everywhere and the meatballs roll around as you eat. But at least you know how to handle this level of complexity.
INTP—Butter and Popcorn
Don’t lie to us. You love a night at home alone watching Netflix in your pajamas. As someone who lives to do things on their own and keep things simple, popcorn is simple and good on its own. Well, good on its own with a bit of butter at least. Better yet, this crunch kernel snack goes well with whatever kind of Netflix binge you’re having.
ENTJ—Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Your type lives the American Dream quite well, and so does grilled cheese paired with tomato soup. As someone who’s always busy on the go, there’s no time to eat anything that’ll take forever to finish. This all-American food combo is quite easy to cook, is wallet-friendly and even easier to scarf down in a 20-minute meal break sitting.
ENTP—Chocolate and Avocado
You’ll never stick to societal norms, and everything you do has to be outside the box. As one who is so innovative, it’s hard for you to stick to traditional things (like salt and pepper). While chocolate and avocado sound quite strange together, turns out they’re a match made in heaven when used in recipes. Perhaps you’ll someday figure out a chocolatey food that works well with avocado with your innovative thinking.