
What Your Hot Chocolate Topping of Choice Says About You

It's that time of the year! Snow is falling and the only thing that you should be drinking is a nice mug of hot chocolate. This is my first thought the second that snow touches the ground. Whether you enjoy a nice cup of traditional Swiss-Miss or you prefer fancier brands such as William Sanoma's Hot Chocolate (one of my favorites) everyone has to have a nice cup of co-co to start of the winter season. We have all chosen our favorite way to consume this winter tradition. Here is what your hot chocolate topping says about you.

Plain Hot Chocolate

If you like plain hot chocolate, you are very easy going. Everyone likes to have you over for the holidays because you are nice and very easy to entertain. You don't need marshmallows or peppermint to hold you over, just a plain cup of hot chocolate can keep you satisfied. Without you life would be a little more chaotic. 


If you like this hot chocolate topping, you are a very festive person, regardless of the season. You never walk anywhere in December without the smell of evergreen trailing behind you; just as you would never be seen in anything but red, white, and blue on the Fourth of July. You are the person that people want to have around at holiday parties, because you bring the holiday to the party. 

Salted Caramel

You can be a little bit salty at times, but that is ok because that is what everyone loves about you. People tend to be a little bit stressed about the holidays, but when you start going off about how snarky Barbra is at work, people cannot help but laugh along with you. This hot chocolate topping goes along perfectly with your personality. You can drink this salty beverage while being salty with all of your family members; you could not ask for a better pairing.

Peanut Butter Cups

As corny as this sounds, this hot chocolate topping means that you are a little bit nutty. You are more on the adventurous side. Your stories are the ones which make everyone at the holiday table stop what they are doing and listen. Whether you are climbing the Grand Canyon or riding a motorcycle down some stairs, you can never cease to amaze everyone around you. 


You are just a tad bit basic. Nutella has been one of the top food trends in 2017. You are always on top of these crazy trends. People can find you drinking your Nutella hot chocolate with the Kardashians wardrobe around your body. People come to you for fashion advice because they know that you are always in the know. 

Espresso Hot Chocolate

You are very busy, but also very on top of things. There is no messing around with you. If a drink is not helping you stay awake it has no business of being in your hand. People tend to look to you to make the plans for the holiday season, because you are the only one who is on top of it enough to keep everyone happy. Cheers to you espresso hot chocolate, for keeping us organized during this chaotic season. 


If you enjoy marshmallows in your hot chocolate it means that you are lovable. You are the person that everyone invites to their holiday parties because everyone believes that you are their best friend. It would be weird having a party without you there, and your presence would be truly missed. 

Whatever your holiday topping of choice is, make sure to have a nice warm mug of hot chocolate this holiday season!