
What Each 'Shameless' Character Would Bring to a Pot Luck

Shameless is my favorite show. It's a comedy, a drama, it's relatable, it's completely different from reality. It's everything you could ever really possibly want in a show. Fortunately, we got to see the new seventh season in the fall, but in these cold winter months I'm really missing my fave TV family, the Gallagher's. So let's try and determine what each Shameless character would bring to a pot luck. Maybe even check out this article for drink advice while watching.

Frank: Booze

I think we all have one reaction when we think of Frank: Oh, Frank. The character you love to hate (but also hate to love). A pretty deadbeat dad. In the sad words of Fiona, he brings "no love, no support," but for sake of argument, let's say he'll bring booze. The one thing he's good for, any kind would suffice.

Fiona: KFC Bucket Meal

Fiona Gallagher, the overarching matriarch and glue that keeps the show together (and spoiler alert: fall apart simultaneously). She's the dream older sister and would probably bring something filling and cost efficient to make sure the kids don't go hungry. She would most likely go with a KFC Bucket Meal. She might even check out this recipe if the Gallagher's were in a pickle for Thanksgiving or another big holiday.

Lip: Leftover Sandwich Supplies

Lip, the brain of the bunch, always destined to go somewhere and be something. Lip is incredibly bright and knows how to scam just about any rich person who takes him for granted. Although he mostly survives on beer and cigarettes, he'd probably provide the family with something he stole from the university dining halls, like leftover sandwich supplies. If he's feeling crafty, maybe he would try one of these creations.

Ian: Beer

Ian, the token middle child. He is dependable, determined, and despite the many challenges he faces, continues to maintain an incredible work ethic. With that brand new EMT salary, Ian might bring something a bit pricier to the table. The Gallagher's can't go without beer, so Ian might bring a couple of higher-end six packs for the fam.

Debbie: Homemade Cookies

Although Debbie gets herself into many unexpected predicaments throughout the seasons, she always manages to take care of herself and her family. Since she's still trying to cover those new mother costs, Debbie might not be able to afford the priciest of items for the pot luck. Debbie would probably whip up a big batch of homemade cookies, since they're affordable and easy to make.

Carl: Chicago-Style Deep Dish Pizza

Carl, the psychopath, turned resident drug dealer, turned juvie dweller, turned military school cadet. This character has had a major transformation but has always cared first and foremost about one thing: his family. Even though he's turned the straight and narrow, he might be able to scrounge up some of his street money and treat his family to a Chicago-style deep dish pizza. He did save the house from foreclosure, after all. 

Liam: PB & J Sandwiches

Liam, the baby of the family, doesn't have that many resources on his side due to his age. Even being amidst all the chaos that is the Gallagher family, Liam still remains an integral part of the mix. Since he needs to pack his school lunches anyway, Liam might make a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, just to contribute.

Kev & Vee: Mac and Cheese

Kev and Vee are the dynamic duo of the show and would definitely bring something together. Basically a set of a second parents to the Gallagher's, these two always have the family and each other's backs. They would bring something practical and delicious for the kids, but also something that they could serve to their two girls, Amy and Gemma. Probably a classic crowd pleaser like mac and cheese.

Mandy Milkovich: Cake

All Mandy Milkovich every really wanted was a dependable family like the Gallagher's. She just wanted to belong. If she were to bring something to the pot luck, she would put in the effort of buying something nice. After a couple of odd jobs with her brothers, Mandy would show up with a decadent dessert, like a cake from a nice bakery in Chicago.

Mickey Milkovich: Steak

Ah, Mickey, the other half of the gut-wrenching love story that is Ian and Mickey. This thug would be hard to miss at a pot luck, with his fast talk and rough and tough demeanor. It would only be suitable that his dish would also make a grand entrance. Since he's a notorious South Side thief, Mickey would most likely bring a steak so rare, that it will scream when he bites it, like "moo" (check out Season 5, Episode 10 if you're lost).

Sheila: Lasagna, Potatoes, & Dessert

In all honesty, Sheila was the gem of Shameless. She was a great comic relief as well as reliable and a genuinely good-hearted character. Realistically, Sheila would basically prepare the majority of the pot luck. She would bring something along the lines of a homemade lasagna, a side of mashed potatoes, and an adorable dessert she probably discovered while watching the Cooking Channel.

Jimmy-Steve: Doughnuts

Jimmy-Steve. Arguably, the love interest Fiona should end up with. Now he's really the character you hate to love, since he's so bad for Fiona, yet so good. He flies in and out as he pleases, no real explanation, yet we're somehow drawn to the screen when he makes his epic returns. Jimmy-Steve would probably show up the next morning with a huge box of doughnuts, promising Fiona this is the last time he'll screw up (sure, like we haven't heard that one before).

Svetlana: Vodka

Like many of the other characters, Svetlana is a sure fire bet for one thing—booze. Since she comes from Russia, and now (spoiler warning) owns the Alibi, it's only appropriate she would bring vodka. Maybe if you're lucky she'll make you something tastier to take the edge off, and really get this pot luck started.

We can sit here and dream about this pot luck, or we can go binge watch Shameless on Netflix while chowing down on something delicious. The choice is yours.