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We Tried Klondike Bar’s Boozy Pairing Suggestions & Here Are Our Faves

Everyone is familiar with the iconic Klondike bar. Hard chocolate ganache outside holds a creamy vanilla ice cream center. And it turns out, these old favorites are getting a makeover.

But, what is a makeover without a matchup? Yup, Klondike reached out to us to play matchmaker and help us marry the perfect pairing for a dessert…booze. So here are the best booze and Klondike bar matches-made-in-heaven.

1. Brownie Fudge Swirl and Milk Stout

klondike bar
Ashley Steinberg

Milk stout is basically the equivalent of a beery milkshake, but maybe less thick. It contains lactose, which adds a sweetness to the otherwise bitter beverage.

This Klondike flavor replaces the vanilla ice cream with a chocolate one that has a brownie fudge swirl running through it. The creamy milk stout is the perfect accompaniment as it mellows the fudgey flavor without adding too much bitterness.

2. S’mores with Oktoberfest Lager

klondike bar
Ashley Steinberg

This particular Lager has a toastiness and caramel notes, which are meant to amplify the flavors in s’mores. While it may pair even better with actual s’mores, this Klondike bar is a fair subsitute.

Though the flavor isn’t the same as a normal s’mores, it’s more like maple, it still pairs well with the rich beer.

3. Dark Chocolate with Brut Rosé

klondike bar
Ashley Steinberg

Brut Rosé is a champagne-like sparkling rosé wine. It has a bitter bite to an otherwise sweet wine.

The Dark Chocolate Klondike flavor, in comparison to a normal milk-chocolate-covered bar, is just a dark chocolate coating over the usual vanilla ice cream. The rosé marries well with the sharp taste from the dark chocolate and the sweetness from both the chocolate and the ice cream balance those sour notes.

4. Caramel Pretzel with Muscat/Moscato

klondike bar
Ashley Steinberg

Muscat is a slightly less sweet version of Moscato, a sweet white wine, and since moscato was the closest we could find, that will be our measurement for this pairing. It’s basically like drinking juice that can give you a buzz.

TBH, this would probably go with any Klondike bar because what pairs better with dessert than dessert wine?

This Klondike flavor’s inside is filled with vanilla ice cream that has a salty caramel swirl. If you take off the outer shell, its a perfectly sweet and salty ice cream, which works well with a sweet wine. The salty, savory flavors are a great contrast—like when you used to go to the movies and mix Buncha Crunch with popcorn.

5. Cookie Dough with Demi Sec Champagne

klondike bar
Ashley Steinberg

Demi Sec is among the sweetest of the champagne varieties. It’s the dessert of champagne, and probably the highest caliber drinkable dessert.

And we all know cookie dough is one of the elite ice cream flavors. Creamy, a little chewy from the dough and savory-sweet in flavor, like the last pairing, the complex ice cream and sweet drink blend perfectly when combined.

While these suggestions may be the ones Klondike recommends, feel free to taste around with the new Klondike flavors to see which you prefer and pair them with whatever alcohol/beer/wine you like. And if you want to save time, you can try building this.

I’m sure you can’t go too far off when you pair delicious ice cream with whatever you’re drinking. Or you can always eat them first and drink after/vice versa. Problem solved!

My name is Ashley and I am a food-a-holic. While all my friends went through high school following shows like Gossip Girl and the OC, I spent my nights watching Top Chef and Masterchef. I am always looking for new recipes (mostly sweets to try out). That said, buying sweets is my biggest weakness. I can’t resist a good candy bar and I usually buy at least one snack food a day, be it a Hershey’s bar (dark chocolate, please!), Ring Ding, or Froyo (my kryptonite). As a native New Yorker, I take advantage of the fact that we have a ton of bests when it comes to food. Best bagels. We’ve got em. Best black and white cookies. We’ve got em. Best Olive Gardens? Well…. Maybe we don’t have those. But I pledge to do my best to find the bests of every type of food and snack, both homemade and in stores, and share them with you. I love trying new things and telling other people about them so they can share in my joy (and weight gain). I want to share my food finds with others to save them the hassle of sifting through the duds along the way. I hope you enjoy my writing as much as I will enjoy writing it!