
5 Ways to Handle Anxiety After the Inauguration

Throughout the election, it seemed almost impossible to avoid the topic of politics on social media. Now, it's definitely impossible to avoid, leaving anxieties running high. If you find all of this to be overwhelming, it's okay. You're not the only one who feels this way. While you may feel like it is your responsibility as a citizen to stay aware of every single thing that is going on with our government, it is also your responsibility to make sure that you take care of yourself. If you're experiencing anxiety after the Inauguration, it is okay to turn off your electronics and step away from media for a while. It'll all still be there when you get back. Here are some ways to destress while you're unplugged.

1. Read A Book

Everyone loves a good book. Pick one of your classic favorites off the shelf, snuggle up in your favorite blanket, and let all of your thoughts drift away into a world that never seems to grow old (and is also really, really far away from the world where you are now.) Sick of reading the same books and want something new? You can start your search for a new world to fall into with this list. 

2. Have a Movie Night

Who can resist a good movie night surrounded by their favorite treats? Call up some friends and let them know that tonight, you're focusing on nothing but food and whatever movie is on. If you're looking to try something new, look no further than these 10 mood-boosting foods.

3. Meditate

Meditation is no doubt a calming experience. Take time to separate yourself not only from the noise of the media, but also from the noise of the outside world. If you don't know exactly what to do, guided meditation is a great place to start.

4. Exercise

Get up and get moving. Exercise has been proven to release endorphins and improve your mood. It doesn't have to be for long. Exercise for just 15 minutes and see how much better you feel afterward. By the end, you won't even remember what was stressing you out in the first place.

5. Color

Adult coloring books have been everywhere you look for the past year and there's a reason for it. The simple act of coloring will help your mind slow down and relax by just focusing on what you're doing. There are some great books out there for you to purchase and use at your own discretion, but if you want to get straight to it, you can print some sheets right at home to get started on.

Always remember that your mental health comes first. It's okay to get overwhelmed by something as big as this; however, you are not required to be aware of every single thing that is going on. Unplug yourself from the world and breathe.