
Trendy Foods I Would Buy If They Weren't So Expensive

I follow a lot of foodie Instagrams and blogs, many of them run by yoga-enthusiasts who make the newest kind of smoothie bowls and overnight oats for breakfast. Or nutritionists who are in the know of the optimal way to incorporate antioxidants into every meal. They're all so trendy. 

But a lot of the time, those trendy foods and ingredients cost significantly more than what I usually buy, which makes it hard to justify spending every week on the more expensive foods.

I usually give myself a little time every trip to the supermarket to browse for fun, like window shopping. I try to treat myself to something new and exciting once a week, budgeting in for one of these trends at a time. They may not be college-budget friendly, and some may be unnecessary to even want to buy, but a girl can dream.


Whether you know what this bubbly drink is or not, it's gone from being commonplace at health food stores to even regular supermarkets. It's a fermented drink made by adding a culture of bacteria and yeast to tea. Its health benefits span from aiding in digestion and boosting immune health. At around $4, I certainly am not budgeting for everyday or even every week.

Fancy ice cream and frozen treats

Ice cream is a staple in my family, and a spoonful every night definitely doesn't harm anyone. A splurge for me is a pint of something really special like local ice cream or gelato. But also I would love to have a pint or two of guilt-free desserts, like Halo Top, for nights when I feel like devouring an entire carton.

Justin's Almond Butter

I am not a name-brand kind of gal in any regard, but when it comes to Justin's there's something about it that just tastes better than other nut butters. I usually stick with Trader Joe's Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia, which is packed with added omega-3's and all the benefits of peanut butter, for not a lot of money. 

But almond butter is a slightly better source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat than peanut butter. It's also a better source of fiber and a significantly greater source of vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, calcium, potassium, and zinc. Justin's knows what's up when it comes to flavor and texture.

Endless tea

I would love to have a cabinet of fancy tea for when people come over. For every time of the day or mood, there are different teas that could satisfy. A ginger tea as a metabolism jump-starter in the morning, a warming decaf herbal tea after dinner, and all the others in between.

The health benefits are endless, but the fancy tins are above my price range. Instead, a collection needs to accumulate slowly. 

Prepped and ready produce

Do I fully support buying spiralized zucchini and butter nut squash rather than making my own? Not really. But I'll be honest, if I didn't have to think about prices, I probably would buy the noodles already made. Just like I would buy on-the-go berry infused water for something easy and refreshing.

Sure, I could plop my own berries in water and bring it with me for the day, and sometimes I do. But I will admit that there are definitely draws to convenient health foods. 

Beautiful and fancy produce

Every week, I buy cherry tomatoes but I pass by pricier heirloom tomatoes and dream about topping an avocado toast or a tuna sandwich with a slice. I would buy a new fruit or vegetable every week, eager to try cooking with rhubarb or persimmons. 

A lot of the time, it's easy enough to make my average (Trader) Joe's produce look and seem trendy enough. I can arrange my cereal, frozen berries and flax seed just as well as an oatmeal with goji berries and toasted coconut chips on top. Eating pasta with canned chickpeas mixed with vegetables gives me just as much protein as the fancy legume-based brands.

The few times I have room in my budget for buying actually trendy foods makes it that much more exciting for a foodie like me to splurge.