The holidays are a bittersweet time. Being home for the holidays means good food and cuddles with your dog, but it also means your entire extended family and a lot of fake smiles. But don't worry, this ultimate drinking game will help keep yourself sane and buzzed throughout the holiday season.

This game can be played with the alcohol of your choosing, or if you're trying to get "in the spirit" of things you can make this holiday sangria and try out these festive shots to mix it up. 

Have fun and remember to drink responsibly, because nothing is worse than being that relative.   

Take a sip if...

- A child annoys you.  

- Something breaks. 

- Someone is wearing a tacky sweater, unironically.

- Someone random from high school texts you to "hang out."

Take a shot if..

- Someone you know gets engaged.

- You receive a backhanded compliment. 

- Someone asks if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

- You're compared to your siblings.

Finish your drink if..

- Anything political comes up.

- Someone asks about you post-grad plans. 

- Your parents make plans on your behalf.

- Someone makes a comment on your weight.

Good luck to you this holiday season. May it be lit in more ways than one.