
Should You Be Discarding Fruit Peels?

Fruits are a manna from heaven because food this healthy isn't supposed to taste this delectable. Fruits, in all their shapes and sizes and glory, touch upon the right flavors of sweet, sour, and tangy. However, discarding fruit peels not only reinforces food wastage but might also deprive you of the imperative nutrients. 

Several fruits have inedible peels such as watermelon, melon, pineapple, pomegranate, so, it's obvious that you're better off removing their peels before consumption. The rough peels of citrus fruits are easier to use as zest or to make face masks (yes, you should reuse them! #zerowastage)

Then, there are fruits like apples, pears, guavas, grapes, whose nutrition is enhanced when eaten with the peel on. If you're wondering how, I've broken it down for you, already. 

1. Peels Mean More Fiber

Fruit peels have high fiber content, which can help you feel full for longer. The amount of fiber in each fruit might differ, however, peeled fruits might contain one-third less fiber as compared to unpeeled ones. Even though fiber is not digested in our bodies and has no calories, it still forms an essential component of a balanced diet because it aids in waste removal from the body. Studies show that dietary fiber also promotes weight management. There's no legit reason to not consume fruits with peels considering the extra dose of fiber that comes with it.

2. Peels Are Crammed With Nutrients

As compared to fruits without skins, unpeeled fruits have an advantage in terms of nutrition. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In fact, the more colorful a fruit peel is, chances are that it provides beneficial phytochemicals. Peels are good for your body just as the habit of eating fruits every day.

3. Peels Might Help To Fight Diseases

Fruits are brimful with antioxidants, which are healthy for your body. It is shown that antioxidants may lower the risk of heart diseases. While the entire fruit contains antioxidants, the skin might have a higher concentration of the same. Moreover, antioxidants tend to prevent cognitive decline and decrease the risk of development of Alzheimer's.  

Which Peels Can You Eat?

Apple, apricot, berries, banana, pears, cherries, grape, kiwi, peach, and plum are all fruits one can consume without removing the peel. On the other hand, avocados, watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, mango, pineapple, pomegranate, and lychee have peels that are inedible, thus, you have no option other than to peel them before consumption. That doesn't mean you have to discard them, though. 

What Can You Do With Fruit Waste?

There are a ton of ways to use eliminated fruit peels to ensure zero wastage in your kitchen. 

1. Make More Food

Mango peels are great for making marmalades, baked chips or even adding them to smoothies. Orange and lemon peels, similarly, can be used to make candy or dried snacks. It is a good idea to pickle lemon peels (they're yum!).

2. Put Them On Your Face

Orange peels are effective in reducing dark spots and they help to even skin tone. Just dry out the peel, powder it and mix it with yogurt to make a useful face mask. Here are more instructions regarding the preparation and application. 

4. Add Zest To Desserts

Citrus zest is a wonderful way to add that dose of tang to your dessert or salad. They can also be used as flavoring agents in baked goods. 

4. Make Orange Peel Tea For Weight Loss

Vitamin C in the orange peel, apart from boosting your immunity, can also aid in weight loss. Make this orange peel tea and drink it daily for maximum benefit. 

All in all, peels are packed with nutrients, therefore, valuable for your health. They also provide you much needed roughage and antioxidants. Even if the peel is inedible, follow the zero wastage strategy and reuse them!